'Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers' Guide: Unlock the Hardest Boss Fight, Plus 'FFXIV' Crossover with 'Nier Automata'

Even if you have finished the Final Fantasy XIV main story and quests, there's nothing wrong with replaying the whole game and try new quests you haven't tried—or try a new difficulty, including fighting a harder version of the final boss battle.

The Hades Extreme

Attack of the Fanboy has posted a guide that allows fans to unlock Hades Extreme, which will make you work twice as hard to survive and be victorious for the final hurdle.

It's relatively easy to do so once you have reached level 80, and you've finished the main quest "Shadowbringers," just head to X7.7, Y:12.5, and just wait for him to finish his monologue, you can then unlock Hades Extreme.

You can access it on Duty Finder, but note that you need to have item level at least 450 to queue for the fight.

Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

Meanwhile, you can also try the new alliance raid series for the Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers expansion, which features the director and producer of Nier Automata, Yoko Taro, and Yosuke Saito as guest creators for the raid series, based on a report by Kotaku.

The raid series follows the story of two enterprising dwarfs that find an underground lair that creates killer robots, plus they find a somewhat familiar—but completely different—face: 2P (who looks a lot like Nier Automata's main character, 2B).

Once you enter the raid, it's up to you to disable and stop the facility while defeating a series of bosses.

If you have played Nier Automata before, you'll be excited to know that the combat is similar to their style, just with additional gimmicks that will enhance your quick thinking and coordination skills.

Unlocking YorHa: Dark Apocalypse

In order to unlock the crossover named "YorHa: Dark Apocalypse," you should be at level 80 and have finished the main story, as well as the side quest "Word about Komra in Kholusia."

After completing the side quest, talk to the Gossipy Dwarf once more, which will lead you to a series of side quests that will soon unlock the raid, where you can get two Cracked StellaClusters, and a Manufactured Coin each week once you finish it.

You should also download the latest update, patch 5.1, to which developers Square Enix noted, "This patch also sees the beginning of the overhaul to crafting and gathering, with further updates planned for Patch 5.2."

The latest Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers patch also has more in store besides the Nier Automata crossover.

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