The Outer Worlds is a sci-fi RPG game from Obsidian Entertainment wherein your choices can affect the outcome of the game, leading you to one of several endings that are available.
As of now, SegmentNext has discovered three possible endings.
Ending #1
The first ending is perhaps the "good" ending out of all three, enabling you to lead the colony and help rebuild Halcyon.
To get this ending, help Phineas on his mission and go to Monarch, meet his contact, and then acquire the Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Once you do, Phineas will lead you to Tartarus to take down the Board. Do everything you can to convince Chairman Rockwell to side with you, whether by lying, persuading, intimidating him.

Once you convince him, go to the final chamber to confront Sophia Akande. Persuade her to flee, and once she does, you won't have to fight the robot. But, failing means you do have to defeat the robot, then Akande will turn hostile, and you'll have to kill her before you can free Phineas.
After saving him, he'll tell you that Halcyon is the only place they can live. Then, you'll be asked if you want to lead the colony, but you can also suggest Chairman Rockwell. Once you choose, the credits will start rolling, and you've finished the game.
Ending #2
For the second ending, you will take Phineas in, and join the Board instead of defeating them. You'll work for them, and you'll fight a different enemy.
You can trigger this ending by choosing to turn Phineas in once you land on the Groundbreaker and speak to Udom Bedford. However, if you don't do this now, the Board will be able to capture Phineas once you started working with them.
There is also an alternate ending for this by making Phineas realize his failures. He will kill himself, and you can avoid the robot fight. If you don't do this, you'll have to fight the robot and then kill Phineas once you defeated it.
Once done, the credits will roll, and you've reached the end.
Ending #3
The third ending is very much different from the first two, and even while this is the easiest to achieve, it's also very hidden.
You can help the Board capture Phineas, or you can help him instead. Either way, once you reach Hope during the Kept Secret But Not Forgotten quest, you'll be asked to skip the ship.
You'll then come across the console of the ship where you can interact with it and tell ADA that you're ready to skip the Hope and that you'll do it yourself. She will advise against it, but if you have the Dumb stat, you can skip it yourself.
If you do, the Hope will crash into the sun, killing all crew and destroying the ship. Then, the game will simply end.
The Outer Worlds is now available on Microsoft Xbox Game Pass and is also available on PS4. With its beautiful graphics and gameplay, some are even asking for VR support.