Nintendo teases something special is coming for Pokemon Go fans this July. An announcement for the upcoming Community Day event hints something about a Squirtle and sunglasses.
Breaking The Monotony
Fans of the monster-catching RPG from Nintendo will most likely know what is on the way. It looks like players will bump into a familiar face from the anime series.
To do so, participants must complete a preset number of Field Research tasks this weekend. Once the requirements are met, this unlocks a catch encounter with a one-of-kind pokemon.
Attention, Trainers: if you complete Field Research tasks during Community Day, you may have a chance to encounter Squirtle sporting sunglasses. ️ Good luck! — Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) July 2, 2018
Long-time fans of the mobile device game will notice that this will be the first time that Niantic Labs features another special creature other than Pikachu. Previous Pokemon Go Community Day events saw variations of the electric rodent with several accessories, such as a Santa hat, trainer hat, party hat, and others.
Finally, something different is on its way as a Squirtle takes the spotlight with a pair of sunglasses
Something New For Everyone
The developer's decision to showcase a Squirtle with sunglasses is a welcome change for players. Some speculate that Pokemon Go might introduce other creatures in future events. Additionally, the opportunity to learn the Hydro Cannon move awaits trainers who evolve their Wartortle into Blastoise during Community Day.
Get ready, Trainers! Squirtle caught and evolved during the Community Day event on July 8 will know the #PokemonGOCommunityDay exclusive Water-type move Hydro Cannon! Don’t get soaked! — Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) July 2, 2018
Meanwhile, it remains to be seen if the unique pokemon will retain its costume once gamers evolve it into its final form. However, players are confident that it is likely since the special Pikachus from previous events retained everything.
To encourage individuals to join in, eggs will hatch four times faster alongside a chance capture a Shiny version of the water type animal with eyewear. That would make it a rare prize for anyone lucky enough to snag one over the weekend.
Fans Know What's Up
Those who are not familiar with the anime will probably just mark the Community Day event prize as another medal for their collection. Yet, hardcore fans will immediately recognize its homage to the Squirtle Squad.
The Squirtle Squad was a sunglasses-sporting group of hooligans that caused a lot of problems for the residents in their town. Ash eventually caught their leader and through a series of events, reformed the gang into firefighters.
Earlier this week, the Pokemon Go publisher implied that it will include the troublemaking band of creatures into the game. Players who saw the social media posts presumably thought it was nothing but a joke.
It appears that Niantic Labs is serious after all and expect players to join the fun on July 8.