Is There Still Hope For A Surface Phone? Redstone 5 Mobile APIs Say There Might Be

Microsoft's attempt to enter the smartphone market continues to speculate the arrival of the Surface Phone. Its Redstone 5 mobile API suggests the same.

After its sudden exit from the mobile phone market marked by the end of its Windows Phone catalog, longtime users of the platform remained hopeful that there might be something in the oven. A few years ago, rumors began to crop up regarding the possibility that a handset based on the Surface series of products is being considered. Upcoming changes to the core operating system appear to tease the likelihood more than ever.

Mobile API Removal

Reports noted that the Redmond-based firm attempted to shoot down speculation that a smartphone is being developed. Telephony-related software was totally removed from all builds of its latest operating system.

The announcement reportedly broke the hearts of the selected few who chose to remain optimistic about a Windows-based smartphone, yet recent product developments with OEMs that feature LTE modems on their products could be a hint that a new hybrid device is on the way.

To Bring It Back

Industry experts believe that Microsoft could possibly showcase a Surface Phone soon as indicated by the changes made to its Fall Creators update. It seems like the developers have reinstated mobile APIs in Windows Redstone 5.

Once again, rumors have been reignited as Windows Phone fans continue to hope that the anticipated product will make its debut this year. The firm's Project Andromeda is even speculated as the aforementioned product in development process.

Nothing has been officially confirmed by the manufacturer, but its recent activities and updates cannot help but hint about it even more.

Several Clues Could Hold The Answer

Hopeful fans and consumers rely on several actions taken by Microsoft as it hints that the Surface Phone might become official soon. The most recent one, of course, pertains to the Redstone 5 Windows update that reintroduces mobile API compatibility to the operating system.

Its recent product showcase flaunts compatibility with Qualcomm's Snapdragon SoC to promote LTE-ready ARM-based PCs. This is another notable hint that the company plans to reenter the mobile phone market soon with a hybrid device.

Several patents that were uncovered show a device with a folding screen and a stylus. Perhaps the company plans to be the first brand to flaunt a smartphone with a folding screen. As developments continue to trickle in, it appears that established brands such as Samsung and Apple might anticipate the return of Microsoft with the rumored Surface Phone in tow.

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