Google Makes Two-Factor Authentication A Piece Of Cake

Google wants mobile devices to use its two-factor verification process, which is now a built-in feature for Android devices and makes it easy for iOS.

The company encourages users to take the necessary steps and adopt the new security process to protect their accounts. In a move to promote its adoption even further, the iOS Gmail app is natively compatible with the verification system. It is intended to make it easier for Apple users who still rely on the search firm's email client for their electronic correspondence.

Changing For The Better

Before the changes were made last year, the verification process relied on SMS as the default option for its platform, yet vulnerabilities were discovered that supposedly made text messages a poor option. It was eventually replaced by the current method known as "Google Prompt."

Once users log in to a Google service or app, the system will generate an email to inform the user about the activity. This will be followed by another notification that will ask if the owner initiated the access. If not, it will reject the aforementioned access.

Upgrades And Convenience

Apple users who wanted to take advantage of the search firm's two-factor verification system previously had to install the Google app for iOS. Now, with its updated compatibility with the Gmail app, the former is no longer a requirement.

The developers also wanted to clarify that in cases wherein the iOS devices have both apps installed, the security system will default to the latter. Therefore, it is advisable to just stick with the email client instead.

Another addition made by the developers delivers more information about each sign-in attempt made. The notification will reportedly include details such as device used, location, IP address, web browser used, and operating system.

Google Goes For Gold

It seems like Google is not only focused on products designed for its Android ecosystem. Its attempt to make functionalities such as the two-factor verification system on iOS smoother appears to be a great sign of its dedication to quality.

Over the past few weeks, it has released improvements for several platforms. Chrome version 66 now features WebVR compatibility with the Oculus Rift. The same update likewise includes a feature that automatically identifies and disables autoplay advertisements, which is a common source of frustration for internet users.

The latest update to hit Android Oreo gives users the option to enable the Autofill function with compatible third-party password managers. It looks like even more are on the way as the company continues its bid to become a dominant brand for tech-related industries.

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