It appears that the new theme park-designed Blizzard World map will finally become available on Jan. 23, based on the Overwatch developer's official Twitter account.
Blizzard Entertainment teased the new map along with the official reveal of Moira during BlizzCon 2017. PTR players tried them out shortly after. Overwatch fans waited only a few weeks before the new Talon healer graduated from the Public Test Region and joined the cast.
More Than Just A Map
It might not seem like a big deal given that the team-based shooter will only get a new map, but gamers speculate that some of the recently announced character balance changes might also be included. Earlier this year, the game studio confirmed that a new set of nerfs has made their way to the PTR.
According to player feedback, from both casual and professional opinions, Mercy and Junkrat were allegedly overpowered.
A History Of Experiences
Blizzard Entertainment opted to make their latest announcement in style. The developer's official Twitter account posted a mock invitation plus a photo of a cleverly designed ticket that supposedly admits one to the fictional Blizzard World theme park.
Epic memories can only be made in an epic world...
So, grab a ticket & join us for the GRAND OPENING of Blizzard World!
Your adventure begins January 23
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 17, 2018
Players can meander through the in-game map and will notice several highlights and attractions. These various elements are notably modeled after different franchises from the game studio. Diablo, Starcraft, Hearthstone, The Lost Vikings, and Warcraft are appropriately represented. The new Overwatch map features an Assault/Payload objective.
Even More Content On The Way
Last year, Jeff Kaplan, Overwatch game director, promised fans that Blizzard Entertainment will release more animated shorts, two of which include Mei's Rise and Shine as well as Reinhardt's Honor and Glory. Kaplan further teased more upcoming content like maps, characters, and seasonal events on their way in 2018.
Players can look forward to the next seasonal event this year during the Lunar New Year on Feb. 16. Just like the ones before it, new Legendary skins, cosmetic items, and more can be expected.
Mercy, Junkrat, And 'Overwatch' League
Even though adjustments were made late last year, the first Overwatch healer was still supposedly overpowered. Therefore, the upcoming changes will further tone down her "Valkyrie" Ultimate and Resurrection skill.
On the other hand, Junkrat was given a great buff last year, which allowed him to store two Concussion Mines. Players noted that the large blast radius was too advantageous for the character. Consequently, the nerf will reportedly adjust his explosive damage output depending on how far the opponent is from the center of the explosion.
The Blizzard World map is something PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players can look forward to. Meanwhile, those who would like to view competitive matches of the hero-based first-person shooter game can check Twitch for the Overwatch League live stream, which is currently in its first season.