Here Are The 6 Best Things From The Awesome PlayStation Experience 2017 Opening Ceremony

PlayStation Experience 2017 kicks off with a bang, with the event's keynote featuring various announcements for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

Here are the six best things that happened at the PlayStation Experience 2017 opening ceremony for PlayStation 4 gamers.

Create Anything In 'Dreams'

Media Molecule's Dreams may have been overshadowed by the announcement of Bayonetta 3 at The Game Awards 2017, but a new trailer revealed an expansive game that allows players to design worlds through Dreams' creation tools.

Make Your Choices Count In 'Detroit: Become Human'

Quantic Dream showcased an on-stage demo of Detroit: Become Human, which is now confirmed to be coming in spring 2018. The demo showed that the choices made by players will affect all aspects of the game's story.

Mitsurugi Vs Sophitia In 'Soul Calibur VI' Gameplay Trailer

Soul Calibur VI, which was also unveiled at The Game Awards 2017, launched a new trailer that gives players a glimpse of the gameplay from the highly anticipated sixth installment of the fighting franchise.

Featured in the trailer are Mitsurugi and Sophitia, two of the most popular Soul Calibur characters and mainstays since the very first game in the series.

Mega Man In 'Monster Hunter: World'

Capcom has just launched the Monster Hunter: World beta for PlayStation Plus subscribers. At PlayStation Experience 2017, the studio revealed a new trailer for the creature-slaying game. It also announced that Mega Man, one of its most beloved characters, is coming to the title in a crossover.

Mega Man will not be full-fledged hunter though, but rather a Palico, a small companion for hunters. The Palico Mega Man Palico will be able to shoot his Mega Buster and use weapons from the original NES games.

'Wipeout Omega Collection' And 'The Last Guardian' Go VR

PlayStation VR had a significant presence in the PlayStation Experience 2017, with Wipeout Omega Collection and The Last Guardian revealed to be coming to virtual reality.

Wipeout Omega Collection will arrive in the PlayStation VR in early 2018 through a free update. The Last Guardian, meanwhile, will step into virtual reality through a free standalone experience that will be released on the PlayStation Store on Dec. 12.

Sir Daniel Rises In 'MediEvil Remastered'

Perhaps the biggest announcement of PlayStation Experience 2017, however, is the return of Sir Daniel Fortesque with MediEvil Remastered for the PlayStation 4. The cult classic game for the PlayStation 1 originally released in 1998, will see a visual upgrade. It will run at 4K resolution on the PlayStation 4 Pro, just in time for its 20th anniversary.

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