Did Microsoft Reveal The Release Date Of Xbox One Scorpio Without Us Noticing?

In an attempt to build hype for E3 and its upcoming Xbox One Scorpio, Microsoft has released a series of videos that may contain the release date of the company's next-gen console.

A Twitter user has gone through the videos frame-by-frame and has uncovered some interesting details.

Without further ado, let's talk about what the trailers did reveal and XboxIngame's analysis may tell us about Scorpio.

More Powerful Than PlayStation Pro

One of the things discovered by the frame-by-frame breakdown was "6>4" written on a tent. This may be a reference to the fact that Scorpio's GPU makes use of six teraflops whereas the PlayStation Pro only uses four teraflops. By raw numbers alone, the Scorpio is superior. Of course, console wars aren't solely determined by power. The success of the Nintendo Wii and Switch prove that much.

Concerning the rivalry between Microsoft and Sony, the battle may come down to exclusives. The majority of games are available on both consoles — as well as PCs — so the determining factor for a lot of consumers will be console-exclusive titles such as Halo, God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn.

Scorpio Release Date

Now that we've discussed the more likely meanings found in the trailers, let's delve into the always fun world of speculation and conspiracy. In one of the crowd scenes, the phrase "X10S101-317" can be seen. "X10S" is possibly shorthand for Xbox One Scorpio. It could also be a reference to the current Windows 10 operating system. As for the S, well, Microsoft recently filed a trademark for an "S" logo which will likely be part of the Scorpio's branding.

The last part is the truly interesting thing. The string "101317" could be a date as in Oct. 13, 2017. This would fall on a Friday which does fall in line with the previous Xbox One release policy. Of course, this would mean the Scorpio would release on Friday the 13th which is considered unlucky and often avoided for that reason.

E3 2017

Given that these trailers were meant to build hype for E3, it is a fairly safe bet that most of our questions will be answered sometime next week. New consoles are usually shown off at E3 so the logical choice would be for Microsoft to reveal the Scorpio's release date as part of their press conference.

The trailer can be seen below.

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