Outlast 2 Guide: Where To Find Batteries For The Camcorder

Outlast 2 is a very dark survival horror game, figuratively and literally. The player will need to navigate a cult-practicing town in pitch-black darkness. Whether outside at night or inside dungeons, one needs to find the way using just a camera. This camera uses batteries. To survive, the player must not only know how to conserve battery but also where to find them.

Thankfully, there are batteries scattered around the town. This guide will help locate these very important items. Outlast 2 launched on April 25 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows.

How To Find Batteries

To look for batteries, the player must watch out for glowing white items on tables or ground. Most of the time, these batteries are hidden inside barns or sheds. Even though it is scary to enter these dark spaces, this small piece of item is worth exploring and braving the horror.

How To Conserve Batteries

The camera does two things: night vision and soundtracking. The player must know when to use these features, or risk draining the juice of the batteries. If the path is lit, it makes sense to turn off the camera vision. Also, the player should use the sound tracking only when absolutely necessary.

Villagers use flashlight and torches (why? they are looking for the player). To take advantage of these light sources, the player shoud use the sliver of light to find the way to the nearest hiding spot or room.

Better yet, keep a mental map of the routes every step of the way and backtrack when needed without using the camera night vision.

Batteries Locations

In normal difficulty, there are around 83 batteries. On higher difficulties, these become scarcer, although they can be found in the same locations.

Also, there's a limit on the number of batteries one can carry. The batteries will stop spawning if the inventory is full and will only appear when a player uses one.

Here are the battery locations in order of the game's story progression.

Chapter: Genesis

1. Upon reaching the village, check the house on the right. There's a battery beside a document.

2. After crawling under a fence, inside a wooden shack.

3. There's a house on the left where the witch is. Open the window and climb inside to find it.

4. After reuniting with Lynn, you will be inside a school. Look for a sign that says "Kindness". Inside the room, behind TV on a cart that can be moved.

5. In the room near the sign "Self Esteem," on the teacher's desk.

6. In the restroom near the sign "Confidence," on the toiler floor.

7. After the witch murders the peasant, check the right corner of the cottage.

8. By the flooded rocky area with street lamps, in the left corner.

9. On the bench within same area, by the wooden bridge with a street lamp.

10. Under the windmill in the middle of the cornfields.

11. In the same cornfield area, by the broken handcart (the one facing the chasm).

12. In the room on the lower floor of the barn.

13. After the bird killings (cutscene), beside the corpse in the water.

14. By the corpse underneath the straw effigy when you climb up the rocks and slide into a cave.

15. Under the balcony after jumping off it to exit the building you have to enter by crawling.

16. Inside a village, there are six houses with batteries inside. Start with the house on the right. Battery is inside the cupboard.

17. Inside the next house accessed by entering through the window (to avoid the enemy).

18. On the ground floor in the next house.

19. Inside the barricaded house accessed through the window.

20. Next to a radio on the top floor inside the house at the northern end.

21. Next to a corpse in the bedroom in the last house.

22. By the corpse after in the area after using elevator but before looking into the well.

23. On the tiny ladder in the school corridor.

24. In the basement inside a house after escaping the villagers.

25. In the outhouse beside a flaming barrel at the end of the settlement.

26. Inside the first house on the right after escaping the village witch.

27. Inside the tower where you end up after the cultists chase you out of the chapel.

28. Next to the cogwheel inside the water mill.

29. After leaving the water mill, inside the wooden shack after sliding down the rocks when the heretics hunt you.

30. Inside the barn with a murdered cow. To get in, crawl through the missing planks under the lamp.

31. Inside the first room, behind the TV that you can push.

32. On a computer desk in the right side of the corridor (that opens after solving the hangman puzzle).

Chapter: Job

33. Behind the rock at the start of the broken railroad bridge in the hilltop where you end up after the school dream.

34. Inside the house were the sick miners live when you meet them after jumping down a cliff.

35. Same area; inside the house where you encounter a hostile enemy. Enter the house by crouching.

36. Same area in the house up the hill. There's a sick miner by the tree in front of the house.

37. In the empty tent in the area where you end up after the ghoul pushes you down.

38. Inside Room 112 B at the end of the hallway during the school dream (opposite the room where you interact with the computer).

39. In the room on the left in the hallway after interacting with the computer.

40. Same hallway, in Room 119 B.

41. In Room 122 B.

42. By the campfire in the area you reach after climbing the rocks (after surviving crucifixion).

43. Inside the hut in the same area.

44. In the room you spawn after being teleported to the real world. You get two batteries.

45. See #44.

46. Same area but different house.

47. In another house in the same area.

48. In the spot near your casket (after being buried alive). There are two batteries.

49. See #48.

50. In the area where you were buried alive, up the hill. Search area between tall grass and stones.

51. Inside a house with two enemies patrolling (when you find a rope to go down).

52. Same area, in the third house.

53. Same area, in the fourth house.

54. Two batteries inside the cupboard after using the left hatch during the school visit scene.

55. See #54.

56. In the cafeteria at the end of underground corridor accessed via the right hatch in the school area.

Chapter: Lamentations

57. In the porch in the area downhill after escaping the school.

58. On the dock on the right after reaching the lake.

59. Same area, but on an island on the left side of the lake (you need to swim to reach it).

60. Same area, in the house by the middle dock; enter the house via the house beside it.

61. Inside the left house by the beach in the area where you need to use the raft.

62. Inside the tree trunk after your raft crashes.

63. In front of the stone with the writing "LOVE SET US FREE" accessed by pushing down a tree.

64. In the computer where you can pick up a hangman drawing during the school dream scene.

Chapter: Judges

65. In a room left of the library where you spawn after the school visit.

66. In a side room of the computer room.

67. Right corner of the dark room after returning to the real world.

68. Inside the men's room inside the school.

69. In Room 110 D.

70. In Room 207 B.

71. In the library.

72. Two batteries on top of the shelves before squeezing through them (after you return to the real world).

73. See #72.

75. In the room after squeezing through the shelves.

75. In the room after pushing the container (after the demon chase in the school sequence).

Chapter: Leviticus

76. In the left corner after entering the mine (after the elevator crashes).

77. On the left path of the fork after climbing down the first ladder in the mines.

78. Same area, on the right, past the campfire and through the tunnel.

79. In the cave before unlocking the door.

80. Near the cables in a flooded area during the escape from the lady cult boss.

81. Same area, near the second switch on the table.

82. At the end of the mine before pushing the mine cart (after escaping the cult boss).

83. In the path revealed after pushing the cart.

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