Microsoft Rolls Out Windows 10 Mail And Calendar Features For Gmail Users

Good news! Soon, Gmail users can get their hands on the newest Windows 10 Mail & Calendar apps, according to Microsoft.

Windows 10 Mail & Calendar

Over the years, Microsoft has worked relentlessly to come with up architectural improvements to enhance and speed up Windows 10 Mail & Calendar apps' performance.

Earlier this year, the company excitedly announced several new features, which included:

• Color categories for calendar events: a top-requested feature that lets users color-code their schedule
• Interesting calendars: lets users follow updates about certain events
• Location suggestions from Bing to add popular addresses faster
• Skype option for online meetings
• A scheduling assistant Office 365 accounts
• Simplified summary cards in inbox and calendar: for quicker access to travel reservations and package delivery detail

Focused Inbox

But one of the main highlights of this latest update is Focused Inbox for Gmail users.

Using machine intelligence, Focused Inbox decides which messages should be top priority and files them under a "Focused" folder in the inbox. On the other hand, emails that are unimportant for the app are automatically filtered and moved to an "Other" tab.

This way, Gmail users can save time, effort, and energy sifting through tons of emails that flood their inbox every day.

Along with other exciting functionalities, this feature has been enjoyed by accounts and Office 365 email addresses for a few weeks already. But per Microsoft, Windows Insiders will be the first on the list to get a notification as soon as these updates are ready.

Special Mention Feature

Focused Inbox, which is a new and improved version of Clutter, will make collaborating and communicating with a lot of people through emails a tad easier.

Just like in major social networking platforms, users can simply type the @ symbol anywhere in the email body to call the attention of a specific person they want to address in that part of the message. The person's name is instantly highlighted in blue and is added to the To ... line, so they also receive a copy of the email.

On Outlook, users get a preview of messages where they've been mentioned.

Privacy Issue

So far, all this sounds good, except for one part, which has got the privacy alarms blaring:

"To power these new features, we'll ask your permission to sync a copy of your email, calendar and contacts to the Microsoft Cloud. This will allow new features to light up, and changes to update back and forth with Gmail — such as creation, edit or deletion of emails, calendar events and contacts. But your experience in or apps from Google will not change in any way."

Last year, it will be recalled that Microsoft was under fire after Amul Kalia of Electronic Frontier Foundation had accused the company of compromising its users' privacy.

Windows 10 allegedly transmitted location, text input, voice input, touch input, websites viewing history, and other telemetry data to Microsoft.

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