Google Home Gets Multi-User Support: How To Add Multiple Users And Manage Accounts

Google Home finally offers multi-user support, so we've come up with a quick guide on how to add multiple users and manage all accounts.

Multi-user support has been among the most requested features for Google Home and it's been expected for a while now. Without multi-user support, Google Home owners living with several other people in the same household had to either share everything, including music accounts, calendars, and the like, or get multiple speakers.

Google has now addressed that inconvenience, enabling the Google Home speaker to support multiple accounts with voice recognition and personalization. Simply put, the speaker can figure out who is talking and respond accordingly for that account.

"We're adding the ability for up to six people to connect their account to one Google Home," says Yury Pinsky, Google Assistant product manager. "So now when I ask my Google Assistant for help, it can distinguish my voice from my wife's and I can hear my own personal playlists, my own commute time, my own schedule and more."

How To Set Up Multiple Accounts On Google Home

To start adding multiple accounts, open the Google Home app and look for the notification informing you that multi-user support is now in the mix. Tap that notification to get started. Alternately, if you don't see that notification, just look in the top right corner of the app and tap the icon that looks like a TV and a speaker.

Next up, in the top right corner of the Google Home card you should see an action overflow button. Tap that and select Settings, where you should find the notification regarding multi-user support.

Users can also head over to Devices > Settings > More > Shared devices to access the voice recognition setup. To start setting up multiple user accounts, just hit the plus sign in the bottom right corner.

Selecting one of those notifications will trigger the voice recognition setup, where users can teach Google Assistant to recognize their voice. To do so, users will have to say specific phrases such as "OK Google" and "Hey, Google," two times each. Just tap Continue to carry on, and Invite to add another user.

All other users will have to get the Google Home app and set things up, going through the same process detailed above. Users whose accounts were not previously connected will have to customize their Google Home preferences, link their music accounts, Netflix accounts, and so on.

How To Manage Multiple Google Home Accounts

Google Home can support up to six accounts. To add or manage multiple accounts from the same device, just tap the hamburger button in the top left corner of the Google Home app, select one of the accounts, or tap the drop-down menu and select Manage Accounts. Each time a new account joins the fray, the same setup process applies.

To see all active accounts, head over to Devices > Settings > Linked account(s). Users can remove their own account from here, but they can't remove other user accounts.

Have you tried out Google Home's multi-user support? If so, drop by our comment section below and tell us about your experience.

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