The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Guide: How To Farm Dragon Horns

A new and effective way to farm Dragon Horns to earn a ton of rupees in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has started making rounds online.

With this method, money problems will be a thing of the past — that is, if they haven't been yet by way of gambling or playing the snow bowling minigame.

Right off the bat, this technique comes from Random Respawn, and with video proof at hand, he shows that this lets you farm three Dragon Horns a minute or 180 Dragon Horns an hour.

Each Dragon Horn fetches 300 rupees apiece, so to boil things down, you'll potentially get a whopping 54,000 rupees per hour. That said, this is arguably the most efficient way to earn as much cash as you need in Breath of the Wild.

How To Farm Dragon Horns In 'Breath Of The Wild'

Before you go shooting Farosh in the head over and over, take care of a few prep work first.

For starters, here's a handy list of items you need:

• A bundle of wood

• A fire weapon

• A long-range bow that shoots single arrows

In the video guide, Random Respawn uses the Great Flameblade, and you can find it wedged in the Ancient Tree Stump, which is located west of Central Tower and north of Mount Daphnes on the other end of a long bridge.

Meanwhile, the bow he uses is the Golden Bow, and you can get it in a cavern northwest of Gerudo Tower.

These two are great choices for this method because they both respawn every Blood Moon.

Once you've gathered all the required items, head to the Spring of Courage, which is in the northern part of the Faron region and in the middle of Popla Foothills and Dracozu Lake. When you get there, just pray at the shrine. Take note that you don't have to offer a scale either. If you successfully do this, Farosh will appear at the same time and location daily.

Now that all the preparations are complete, here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Set up a camp north of Riola Spring, where Farosh will spawn.

Step 2: Start up a fire with the Great Flamesword.

Step 3: Camp out until morning.

Step 4: Restart the fire and paraglide upward using the updraft created.

Step 5: At this point, you should see Farosh heading toward the sky from Riola Spring. Aim for the dragon's horn with your Golden Bow to break it off.

Step 6: Rinse and repeat steps 3 to 5.

Farming Dragon Horns In 'Breath Of The Wild': A Closer Look

To get a better idea of how to execute this technique, hit up the video below:

As we wrap things up, don't forget to check out our other guides, including how to expand your inventory, get the Master Sword, and get Epona, the Hylian Shield, and Wolf Link with amiibo.

Breath of the Wild came out on the Nintendo Switch and Wii U on March 3 with a $59.99 price tag.

Have you been going through some money woes in Breath of the Wild? If so, feel free to let us know in the comments section below if Random Respawn's method on how to farm Dragon Horns made all your troubles go away.

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