CityConnect Is Creating An Augmented Reality App For Cyclists And It's Like 'Pokémon GO'

Cycling may not be the safest mode of transportation, but it sure is the greenest, not to mention maybe the healthiest. Still, many aren't convinced. To boost the number of safe cyclists in the streets, a collaboration that would make cycling a more interesting and safe activity is currently underway.

This UK app that's similar to Pokémon GO would be a nice idea for the United States to follow and encourage people to spend some time outside and go cycling.

Augmented Reality For Cyclists

UK's CityConnect is partnering up with the University of Bradford's Digital Media Working Academy to create an augmented reality app that would not just encourage people to go biking, but to do so safely. Development of the app aims to explore how game play through augmented reality could enhance the cycling experience.

The current prototype links Bradford and Leeds, and provides a traffic free route for users. It also showcases the explorable features of the route and points out the rules and regulations for bikers, motorists, and pedestrians in that particular area for your information.

Don't think it will be a boring app, though, because with safety in mind, the app will feature a game-play element similar to Pokémon GO. Players will be rewarded for following the traffic rules, while breaking any of the rules or proving to be a reckless biker will make them lose points.

Community Collaboration

The collaborating teams are also working with the surrounding communities such as local schools and cycling groups to further develop and test the features of the app.

"Creating an augmented reality app for cyclists that puts safety and fun at the heart, is the sort of innovative challenge that the University is really keen to take on," said Simon Couth, Head of the Digital Media Working Academy at the University of Bradford.

The working prototype is expected to be showcased at the Cycle City Active City conference on May 11 and 12.


CityConnect is a scheme in the UK that aims to improve infrastructure between West Yorkshire and York. Their main goals include making roads accessible to all groups, creating a safe environment for cycling and walking, and reducing the CO2 emissions, thereby improving air quality in the community.

CityConnect's primary aim is to encourage walking and cycling, and to foster a healthier population in the community.

There are many biking organizations in the United States just like CityConnect that promote the use of this healthy mode of transportation, so it would not be surprising if the United States would soon have its own version of an augmented reality biking app that encourages both fun and safe cycling.

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