Humble Freedom Bundle Comes Out, All Sales Go To Civil Rights Groups

Humble Bundle's latest bundle is its biggest and may be its most important yet.

Humble Bundle has released its "Freedom" Bundle, a collection of more than $600 worth of games for only $30. All sales will go to three advocacy groups, with Humble Bundle pledging $300,000 for the cause.

The three groups are the American Civil Liberties Union, the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, and the International Rescue Committee. This latest offering is clearly a response to the controversial immigration ban by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The Humble Freedom Bundle will be available until Feb. 20.

Stellar Games For A Stellar Cause

The Humble Freedom Bundle contains more than $600 worth of games and e-books. More than 45 games pledged their titles for the cause.

The list includes the biggest indie games, whose individual prices make the $30 price tag a total bargain. Some of these big games include The Witness, a critically acclaimed open-world puzzle game released in 2016.

Another noteworthy title is The Stanley Parable, an indie game that broke as many gaming standards as fourth walls. Other games include farming simulator Stardew Valley, reflex game Super Hexagon, absurdly humorous Octodad: Dadliest Catch, spy strategy game Invisible Inc., submarine adventure Song of the Deep, insanely difficult platformer Super Meat Boy, cute puzzle game World of Goo, transport simulator Mini Metro, adventure game Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP, alien shooter Nuclear Throne, 2D puzzler-with-a-weird-title VVVVV, and action Overgrowth.

The list goes on, as the bundle said "more content may be coming soon" as more developers join the cause.

The bundle also includes digital books such as Information Doesn't Want To Be Free, and Walkaway: Chapter One Preview, both audiobooks by Cory Doctorow.

A Humble Statement

"We humbly remember that the United States is a nation of immigrants, and we proudly stand with developers, authors, and charities that champion liberty and justice for all."

That's how Humble Bundle introduced the offer. The company is clearly making a statement in reference to the controversial ban by Trump. The ban may have been suspended but the company - like other game developers who earlier condemned the ban - is not letting this issue slide. Better yet, Humble Bundle is taking a proactive role as it will donate 100 percent of its sales to its three chosen groups.

The buyer can choose to donate to groups civil rights group ACLU, rescue group IRC, and medical-humanitarian group MSF.

"We chose these three organizations because of the inspiring work they do in providing humanitarian assistance to refugees and displaced people as well as in defense of justice, human rights, and civil rights," said the company in its blog post.

The cause has raised more than $2 million within hours of its launch.

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