Android 7.1.2 Beta: What's In Store For Testers Of Android Developer Preview?

Google just announced another beta release for Android. The Android 7.1.2 software update is part of Google's "incremental maintenance release" plan, which will allow users to get smaller but more frequent builds of Android.

The new software update does not include a huge amount of changes, but in a blog post, Google announced that this beta release will be in preparation for the upcoming maintenance release for Android Nougat, which is "just around the corner."

What Testers Can Expect From The Beta Version Of Android 7.1.2

In a blog post, Google laid out what will be included in the release. "Android 7.1.2 is an incremental maintenance release focused on refinements, so it includes a number of bugfixes and optimizations, along with a small number of enhancements for carriers and users."

With this announcement, it looks like there will be no major changes that will accompany the said release since it will be used to improve on the stability of the original update, fix some bugs, and likely add a few new features. So far, most complaints from Android users are on Bluetooth connectivity and battery drain issues. Hopefully these will be addressed by the upcoming release.

In its release notes, Google also cautioned that testers may experience "stability, battery, or performance issues" while using their device.

How To Get In The Android Beta Program

Google launched the Android 7.0 Nougat back in August, then released a series of small maintenance and security updates for the rest of the year. With the impending release of Android 7.1.2 in the next couple of months, Google is now getting ready to improve the core of Android Nougat. The company has said that the 7.1.2 is primarily focused on squashing bugs.

For those of you who want to get up to speed and be ahead of the pack, you can apply as a beta tester as long as you are using the following handsets: Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 5X, Nexus Player, and Pixel C. According to Ars Technica, the Nexus 6 and 9 won't be getting the 7.1.2 release, but will still get security updates.

You can install the Android 7.1.2 beta in two ways. First, you can sign up your device for over-the-air system updates by registering at the Android Beta Program. Once a new version has been released, your handset will automatically update. The second way is to download the 7.1.2 system image and then flash your device. For instructions on how to flash your device, click here.

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