Since the NES Classic Edition's launch in November 2016, customers have found it hard to get their hands on the console.
Recently, retailer ThinkGeek received a shipment of the console in its warehouse and it has introduced a special "game of chance" for those who are keen on buying the NES Classic Edition.
The NES Classic Edition console has not been easy to purchase because of its limited stock. ThinkGeek's contest will allow only lucky consumers to purchase the console for just $59.99. The ones interested to participate in the contest and avail of the lucrative offer will have to follow certain procedures and guidelines in order to win.
The Announcement
ThinkGeek announced on Twitter that it has a limited stock of the console available for purchase, but there's a catch.
Beat the bot army - sign up for a fair chance to purchase a #NESClassic from our limited stock:
— ThinkGeek (@thinkgeek) January 20, 2017
This is not the first NES Classic Edition promo that ThinkGeek has come up with. In December, ThinkGeek arranged for a contest where consumers had to create an account on ThinkGeek and add the console to their wish list. ThinkGeek then randomly selected users who have the item on their wish list and sent them a code and purchase link. Things, however, went awry when the console went out of stock.
Because of the limited supply, ThinkGeek advised contestants that it will be reserving a few hundred units for the sole purpose of the contest.
How To Participate
The NES Classic Edition console has a fantastic collection of 30 games that comes bundled with an AC adapter, a HDMI cable, and a NES controller. These games are quite easy to install and are ready to play. This offer is absolutely ideal for the ones who enjoy playing video games and would love to win the collection.
The interested participants will have to visit the contest page first and put in their credentials. The participants can submit their entries via Facebook, email, Twitter, or Instagram.
The contest has a participation cap - it offers only six attempts to win the NES Classic Edition console. The draw will take place on Jan. 23 around 12 noon EST.
The winner will be provided with a confidential link and unique code to purchase the NES Classic Edition. To participate you can head over to ThinkGeek.
May the most lucky man or woman win. Best of luck!