Wolverine doing Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' dance is the Halloween treat you didn't know you wanted

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does. Who knew that included dancing?

We don't know the who, the where, or even the why, but darn it we don't need to. It's a guy in a Wolverine costume doing Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" dance. The entire thing. What more do you need to know?

The video begins with said Wolverine guy outside on a sidewalk somewhere on Halloween night. He's wearing the yellow costume that Wolverine frequently dons in comic books, complete with claws and a cigar clenched between his teeth. Someone with a video camera — we have to assume it's a friend who knows him well enough to know he can dance — starts playing "Single Ladies" somewhere off camera and asks Wolverine to do the dance off-the-cuff.

Whoever he is, dude's got mad skills. For what appears to be an unplanned, impromptu performance request, he nailed it. And he even kept a million dollar smile on his face the whole time.

A helpful Redditor matched up the Wolverine video side-by-side with Beyonce's original. The sync isn't perfect, but it's enough to see just how impressive Wolverine's work is.

We're just glad he didn't draft a couple more X-Men to join in. He'd slice them to pieces with those moves.

Image: Stuart Immonen/Marvel Comics (cropped)

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