If the Zoltar machine in the classic Tom Hanks movie Big had the power to transform a kid into an adult, does it have the power to make Donald Trump go away?
Not so much when it comes to the case of this Zoltar fortune-telling machine that is appearing around New York City this week. But on the bright side, it does give those passing by a pretty good laugh when it comes to the Republican presidential candidate.
A Donald Trump-themed Zoltar machine surfaced on the streets on New York on Tuesday, Oct. 11, with it being spotted in Greenpoint, Brooklyn before being packed into a van and moved to be outside of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan.
Meet The All-Seeing Trump, the Zoltar of your nightmares who will be roving around NYC today pic.twitter.com/McgEHk17KN
— Camille Dodero (@camilledodero) October 11, 2016
The machine features an "all-seeing" Trump mannequin that is enclosed in the box, complete with red eyes and tiny hands. Staying true to his personality, it features prerecorded sayings that are spot-on in relation to the types of comments that comes out of the businessman-turned-politician's mouth. These include things like "I see a huge investment into a high-speed rail system. Very advanced and very fast. And we're going to use it to deport 11 million illegal Mexicans." The animatronic Trump then goes on to say that he loves Mexican people and loves "packing them onto trains like cattle." He makes sure to also brag about how his trains are the best. The Trump Zoltar machine will also tell your fortune. Simply make a wish and the machine prints out a ticket with an answer.
The Trump Zoltar machine touring around NYC today is genius! Thanks to @camilledodero for posting video and misfortune ticket. #TRUMPSPEAKS pic.twitter.com/vlxPA600vy — Ali Malik (@alicactus) October 11, 2016
.@Gothamist @businessinsider The future is not to be feared... Unless you are a Muslim American. #TrumpSpeaks pic.twitter.com/ktzRSCQWm4
— The All-Seeing Trump (@AllSeeingTrump) October 11, 2016
The all-telling Trump is making his rounds around New York, with reporter Camille Dodero first spotting the machine on Manhattan Avenue and Clay Street in Brooklyn before it was moved. After appearing outside of Trump Tower, it was spotted outside the New York Times building.
There have been rumors as to whom is behind this stunt, with many first assuming the artist Banksy is the brilliant mind to take the credit. However, Banksy's spokespeople have denied any connection.
There was also a tip that Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog was seen filming a video outside the Trump Taj Mahal on Sunday, where the Zoltar machine was also reportedly spotted. It's not clear if there is a direct connection or this was just coincidence since the casino was just announced to be closing.
Whoever is behind it did create a Twitter account @AllSeeingTrump, so those interested in hunting it down might be able to learn where it will pop up next.