There has probably been a time when you snap the perfect selfie, select the filter that makes it pop but then realize that it's either a bad time of the day to get the most amount of likes, or you have just posted something else on Instagram and don't want to bombard users with too much.
Well, instead of exiting out of the photo and having to do it all over again (including having to remember that clever caption word for word), you may be able to just save the post for later.
Instagram began testing out a new "Save Draft" feature that keeps a particular post instead of deleting it if the user changes their mind and goes back.
While the company says it is just testing the feature for now, it has actually been doing so as early as July. However, more users might have quietly gotten the option to test it out for themselves as of late.
Here's a look at @instagram's "Save Draft" functionality, currently being tested amongst a subset of users
— Patrick (@Plambey) August 10, 2016
Users will know if they have the ability to save a draft by tapping on the "back" button after starting to compose a post. The user might need to first update to the latest version of the app before checking to see if the feature is there; however, some may not be lucky enough to try it for themselves just yet. From the amount of praise the feature is getting on Twitter, Instagram should seriously consider widely releasing it to all users.
Instagrams new save draft feature is the best thing that's happened to Instagram — Brooke (@BrookeALarson) August 5, 2016
Those who do have the option to save for later will see a warning message displayed, saying that if they go back, "your image edits will be discarded." The user then has the choice to either Save Draft or Discard. Then, when the user wants to post that draft, they just have to tap on the camera icon in the app and then on "All Photos" to see the draft.
The Save Draft feature would allow accounts to set up their posts for publishing later, which would be extremely beneficial for "Instagram celebrities" who are told to endorse products at a certain time or when setting up a steady flow of new content throughout any given day.
It would also solve the problem of users accidentally hitting the back button when trying to post and having to frustratingly start over from scratch.
Some users have voiced that they had the feature and it later disappeared, which reveals Save Draft is in A/B testing. Let's hope that the company realizes the public is loving this feature and that it is one we all need.