Facebook vs spammers: Fake Likes, fraud won't get your business anywhere

Facebook is sounding the alarm against spam, saying that malicious activities in the Facebook community would not do users and businesses any good. The company also adds that it is willing to proceed with court intervention if technical measures to eliminate fake "likes" do not suffice.

The truth is that spamming is significant only when it is profitable. In this sense, Facebook does its best to make profitability difficult for spammers. The company regularly tweaks various systems, both manual and automated, in order to prevent activities that they believe are suspicious. Using this method enables the company to keep track of several areas of interaction on the site. These include signing up for an account, adding a friend, messaging and liking.

Facebook reiterates that one area that they have been really keeping their eyes on is fake likes. The company constantly modifies its systems in order to keep themselves one step ahead of the spammers.

"Businesses won't achieve results and could end up doing less business on Facebook if the people they're connected to aren't real. It's in our best interest to make sure that interactions are authentic," said Facebook.

Facebook says spammers typically have only one goal in mind and that is to make money off the page owner. Spamming ends up compromising the value of the page. Spammers create fake accounts or, in other cases, also hack into real accounts to get more likes.

"Since these fraudulent operations are financially motivated businesses, we focus our energy on making this abuse less profitable for the spammers," added Facebook.

Facebook promises that they will continue dedicating their time and energy in the battle against suspicious content. Users are therefore advised not to engage suspicious invitations to like a page, click suspicious links that sometimes contain video with shocking or ridiculous titles, or download a browser add-on to change the color of one's profile, among other things.

Legitimate businesses on Facebook should put more focus on key business objectives. Facebook encourages every page admin to visit the "Build Audience" tab.

The fight against spammers is something that every web-based company has pledged to undertake for the users' sake. Facebook is not the first company to have achieved success in reducing spam.

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