Someone Has Beaten 'Dark Souls 3' With A Dance Pad

It was only a matter of time.

For almost as long as the games have been available, gamers have been trying to beat Dark Souls with all manner of different controllers. From Software's action-RPG just wasn't tough enough with a standard controller — no: players have conquered the games with everything from Twitch chats to voice controls to a Rock Band guitar controller. The weird controller runs have become their own sub-genre — and while the craze may have spread to other games, Dark Souls remains the most popular.

So, it should come as no surprise that one fan has finally managed to conquer the latest game in the series using nothing but a Dance Dance Revolution pad. Louis Hamilton, aka ATwerkingYoshi, managed to finish off Dark Souls 3's final boss using nothing but a few mods and some fancy footwork.

It wasn't just the final boss, mind you: Hamilton managed to complete the entirety of Dark Souls 3 using nothing but the dance pad. At 44 hours, his total runtime isn't bad, either — and the fact that he managed to beat the Soul of Cinder (the game's final boss) in just three tries, all while dancing, is even more impressive.

As with any of these weird controller runs, just watching Hamilton try to compensate for the new control scheme is both hilarious and riveting. It quickly becomes apparent that the game simply wasn't made with a dance pad in mind — but watching as Hamilton struggles through it is worth watching on its own.

To be fair, this isn't Hamilton's first time playing games with a dance pad — in fact, it's actually what his channel is based on. A quick glance through the SuperScrubBrothers Twitch channel will reveal how many games Hamilton has danced his way through — titles like Kingdom Hearts II and Super Mario 64 are just a few of the dancer-gamer hybrid's conquests.

Now, all that's left to do is wonder what sort of controller will be next. Given that just about every physical input has already been used before, our money's on motion control — more specifically, Microsoft's Kinect. Think about it: how much tougher would fighting the Nameless King be if only half of the inputs actually made it through to the game? Plus, it'd be just like Fruit Ninja Kinect, only with zombies instead of watermelons.

For anyone interested in watching the complete playthrough (or dance-through), you can find a full archive of Hamilton's previous streams over on his YouTube channel — or if you're interested in watching a live show, just head over to his Twitch channel.

Of course, if you're having trouble making it through Dark Souls 3 (weird controller or not), make sure to check out our long list of guides over at our coverage hub!

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