‘Overwatch’ Hero Spotlight: A Beginner’s Guide To Hanzo

All Overwatch heroes have quirks and Hanzo's is he requires a steady aim. This may make him problematic for beginners to use, but stick with him and practice and you'll be sniping like a pro in no time.

His Story

As the eldest son of the master of the Shimada clan, Hanzo Shimada was set to become the next head of the family. A clan of assassins, the Shimadas amassed power over the years, allowing them to build a lucrative criminal empire dealing in arms trade and illegal substances. This was the kind of life Hanzo was being groomed to be part of and he accepted his training as a loyal son, excelling in both tactics and strategy and more practical areas like martial arts, bowmanship and swordplay.

Upon the untimely death of his father, Hanzo was set to take his place as the head of the Shimada Family. However, that meant straightening out the wayward ways of his younger brother, Genji, so he too can help in ruling the family's empire. Unfortunately, the brothers were not able to resolve their issues without bloodshed and Hanzo was forced to kill his brother.

Anguished over what he had to do, Hanzo rejected his father's legacy and abandoned the Shimada clan, leaving behind everything that he had worked so hard for. The bowman and assassin now travels the world in an attempt to restore his honor and make peace with his past.

His Abilities

Storm Bow - Hanzo's trusty bow fires an arrow at the targeted enemy.

Sonic Arrow - An arrow with a sonar tracking device is launched, identifying all enemies within the detection radius, even if they are hiding behind walls.

Scatter Arrow - A fragmenting arrow is shot, ricocheting off objects and walls and hitting multiple enemies at the same time.

Dragonstrike - Hanzo's Ultimate, Dragonstrike summons a Spirit Dragon traveling in a line. It can pass through walls and will devour all enemies encountered as it passes.

Watch Hanzo's abilities in action below!

Heroes He Is Weak Against

Widowmaker - Hanzo is a threat at all ranges but Widowmaker can snipe him from a distance to keep him at bay.

Tracer - This hero's unpredictable movements make her the best counter against Hanzo at short range. Even his Scatter Arrow will have a difficult time hitting Tracer.

Heroes He Is Strong Against

McCree - Hanzo can target McCree at long range. If that doesn't do the trick, a ground-targeted Scatter Arrow can take out McCree before he closes in.

Bastion - Hanzo can also target Bastion from a distance, dealing lethal damaging without putting himself at risk.


1. Hanzo is excellent at defense because he can hunker down and stay out of sight, protecting a certain area with a rain of his arrows.

2. However, his arrows won't do a lot of damage unless they are charged. This means his shots must hit or precious seconds are being wasted, needing a steady hand to make the most of Hanzo.

3. If your Hanzo can only make one shot, make sure it's a headshot. Aim a little higher to ensure arrows impact the enemy's head.

4. Sonar Arrow is great for pinpointing targets, especially before using Hanzo's Dragonstrike, but can also be used to aid allies in setting up their own attacks.

5. Genji is Hanzo's brother so assume they received the same kind of training. They can go head-to-head with each other in terms of speed so be mindful if the enemy team has a Genji, especially since a properly timed Deflect can counter Dragonstrike, despite the Ultimate being one of the most powerful in the game.

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