The upcoming Pokemon Sun and Moon games for Nintendo 3DS will be taking players to a whole new region of the Pokemon world, a region filled with new Pokemon to discover. Slowly but surely, Nintendo has been revealing some of the new Pokemon companions players will be able to capture in the next installment of the hit franchise, and one of them is currently making a splash for all the wrong reasons.
Its name is Yungoos, and it's basically Donald Trump in Pokemon form. Or at least that's what fans on social media think. The slicked-back stripe of golden hair. The angry face. The characterization of Yungoos as a "loitering Pokemon" with a strong jaw. Yep, that looks like Donald Trump, alright.
Fans are kind of freaking out about it.
Someone in Twitch chat said Yungoos looks like Donald Trump but he LITERALLY DOES.
— Shannon (@shannondorf_) June 14, 2016
@shannondorf_ — MHK (@Miguelhirasawa) June 14, 2016
A thread about Yungoos on Reddit has already been slapped with a disclaimer telling people to stop comparing Yungoos to Trump, as it violates the subreddit's "no politics" rule. Whoops.
Yungoos is a mongoose-like creature that isn't native to the Alola region (it was brought there as a form of population control and swiftly took over). With that in mind, it's hard to unsee the similarities between the Pokemon and the Republican presidential nominee. Not only do they look alike, but like Yungoos, Trump isn't native to the realm of politics (not that that has stopped him from taking over). Hmmmm. It's almost hard not to believe that developer Game Freak may have intentionally modeled the Pokemon off Trump's appearance, but fans may never know for sure.
Regardless, don't expect the Trump/Yungoos memes and fan art to go away anytime soon. With Pokemon Sun and Moon arriving right around the same time as the presidential election, you can expect even more Yungoos and Trump mashups in the near future as fans continue to obsess over the fact that Donald Trump will soon be available for capture with a Pokeball.
Will Yungoos make the Alola region great again? Or will the Pokemon's weaselly nature bring ruin to the once-prosperous nation? That's for players to decide. Wait, are we still talking about Pokemon?