Holy Millennium Falcon, Batman!
The friendly exchange of mashup photos between J.J. Abrams and Zack Snyder on Twitter has been well chronicled. In short: Snyder posted a photo that mixed his "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie (currently filming) with Abrams' "Star Wars: Episode VII" (also currently filming), so Abrams replied in kind. Since then, they've been lobbing amusing mashup pics at each other, much to our delight.
But J.J. Abrams just upped the game to stratospheric levels of geekdom. Abrams' latest tweet, just posted minutes ago, includes the first video in the "war," and what's in it may make your geeky little heart jump into your throat.
It's too good to spoil, so just watch:
— Bad Robot (@bad_robot) September 18, 2014
Yes, that is the to-scale Millennium Falcon exterior built for "Episode VII" and currently being used for filming on the movie's England set. Past tweets from Abrams have hinted at what fans have long known, thanks to spy reports -- that a real set of the Falcon exists and plays a big role in the new movie -- but this is the first time it's been confirmed. And not only is it confirmed, the video gives us a full look at most of it.
But just when you think that's the big deal about the video (which would be more than enough for Star Wars junkies), enter the twist. The familiar Star Wars music gives way to Hans Zimmer's Batman theme from the Dark Knight Trilogy, and the camera slowly zooms in on a curious feature on the Falcon's underside. Take a closer look, with the contrast cranked up:
It's the Tumbler! Also known as the Batmobile from the Dark Knight Trilogy, and it's been painted to look like part of the ship!
Let's restate that for clarity: A model of the Batmobile is attached to the Millennium Falcon.
Franchises and worlds have never collided so brilliantly, or in a way that fills fans with so much giddy joy. Well played, Mr. Abrams.
Your move, Snyder.