Troy Baker Tweets Petition To Remove The One Bad Review For 'Uncharted 4' From Metacritic

Video game voice actor Troy Baker recently tweeted about a fan petition requesting that Metacritic take down the Washington Post's bad review of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

Video games always get good and bad reviews, though, right? So, why take down this one in particular?

Well, it seems that the reviewer for the Washington Post, Michael Thomsen, is the only person reviewing video games that didn't like the latest — and last — title in the Uncharted franchise. However, for anyone who read the review, it seems that Thomsen also didn't really like any of the Uncharted games, so maybe it's not a surprise that he would also score this one so low.

"The Uncharted games have never excelled at storytelling," writes Thomsen. "Instead, they've used it an accompaniment to overwhelming visual technology. The games have always struck me as garish more than gorgeous, more interested in overwhelming the senses than communicating with them."

Ouch. He goes on to say that A Thief's End is "overflowing with useless detail" that "overwhelms the eye." His review is so critical that it almost seems personal, like somehow, Nathan Drake has affronted him.

What bothers Uncharted fans, though, is that all the other reviews about the game on aggregate review site Metacritic are positive. The Washington Post was the one bad review the game received there. So, fans want to essentially cancel that review out and get it removed from Metacritic and even set up a petition to do just that. They also have a point: although the reviewer didn't give the game a score, Metacritic put it at 40 out of 100 for that review.

Most importantly, though, Troy Baker, who voices Nathan's brother Sam in Uncharted 4, tweeted about the petition.

The petition is close to meeting its 5,000 signatures, too, so it seems that a lot of fans take reviews — and Uncharted 4 seriously. Baker followed up his initial tweet, though, with another statement.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End released on May 10 on PlayStation 4.

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