Charlie Cox And Elden Henson Talk 'Daredevil' At Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con

Daredevil fans recently got a chance to ask series stars Charlie Cox and Elden Henson questions at Wizard World St. Louis Comic Con.

Those questions ranged from comments about the beard Henson sported at the Con to how the two actors believe the series will progress after its second season, which premiered on Netflix last month.

Season two of Daredevil saw Foggy, as portrayed by Henson, go through a huge transition, as he and Matt had a falling out and Foggy decided to strike out on his own. What's in store for the future of that character?

"The truth is I don't really know," Henson said. "And that's fine. So far, the writers have done a good job making all the characters feel like they have their own journey and not just there to help someone else's story along. The truth is that I don't really know what's going to happen to Foggy, but I feel like it will probably be something good. I mean, they've done such a great job so far and it's a pleasure to be able to work on the show. And as the scripts come in, I'm excited to read them. I trust them completely, so whatever happens I'm sure it will be good."

Of course, that begs the question: will there be more Daredevil on Netflix? How will its characters play into Netflix's planned series on The Defenders?

"Sadly, that's a very easy question to answer because they tell us absolutely nothing," Cox, the actor who portrays Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, said. "And to the point that I didn't even know how season two was going to end up, like I was reading episodes as they come in. So with The Defenders, I know we're going to do it, I have no idea who's going to be showrunning it, I don't know what the story's going to be, I don't know — other than the four Defenders, I don't know what the characters are going to be involved in it.

"And we have no idea if we're going to be commissioned for a season three. I mean, I think they wrote season two with the intention of something to kind of unfold in other seasons, but until that's actually official, you know ..."

Season two saw Daredevil finally sporting his superhero suit. Cox discussed some of the more fine details of wearing such a thing, including how the designers put a lot of thought and effort into making it comfortable and easy for him to put on, joking about one particularly important feature.

"It's actually [a] really, really brilliant suit and it's very comfortable," Cox said. "I've got it down now to about 15 or 20 minutes and I can do almost all of it by myself. I need a little help with a couple of areas. The thing is I read — I don't know if it's true — that Christian Bale had trouble peeing in his suit, and so this was a discussion that we had. And they fixed it. They had three zippers, right? So you can effectively create a hole without having to take off the top part of it. This is stuff you have to think about."

When a fan asked Henson about how responsible he felt about creating Foggy according to how that character appears in the comic books, he admitted that he had some wiggle room.

"In the comic books, he's just a bumbling partner," Henson said. "He was kind of that for a long time, so I thought, 'cool, there's a lot I can do with this character.' I think that, you know, there's a lot of people around to make sure that I'm getting it right. I mean I hope I do. He didn't have a lot of background in the comics and stuff like that. And I didn't have a lot of time to prepare — my son was just born when we started shooting the show, I had just come from Germany and [it was] kind of crazy. So I actually really relied on Charlie. Charlie is one of the most thoughtful people I've ever worked with.

"And I mean this in a positive way: he's relentless in making sure things are right. So I feel like my job on the show, as well just in life, is sort of the same: I just try to do whatever I can to help the show along. Ultimately, at the end of the day, it's his show. It's a show about Daredevil, so I just want to be able to facilitate that."

Season two of Daredevil introduced the Punisher to Hell's Kitchen, and he is someone that Matt ends up spending a lot of time with. Because of the Punisher's attitude that it's totally OK to kill bad guys, Matt seems to start questioning his own no-kill policy. By the end of the season, this leaves Matt conflicted: where does he stand on the issue now?

"I don't know that he even knows," Cox said. "This is something that I kind of thought a lot about towards the end of the second season. There's a scene with the Punisher, with Jon Bernthal's character, and I believe Matt says something like, 'maybe your way is OK.'

"Basically, that was the only way [for] him to acknowledge just the possibility that Matt was conceding to the idea that his way wasn't working. I don't think he'd ever believe that killing someone is the right way to go."

Cox continued to explain that the show brought in some more complications by including villains that are essentially not human.

"I also think the question is a little bit confusing, because when you mention Elektra, all those guys — do we think of them in the same way that we think of other people? Because, obviously, they don't seem quite human in the same way like the characters in the other storylines do."

Cox admitted that Matt will have a lot of thinking to do in the future about this specifically moral dilemma.

"I think he's going to have to reevaluate his stances and decide how he wants to operate."

Daredevil season two is now available on Netflix.

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