WrestleMania is WWE's biggest night of the year, and as such, the event was filled with surprising and memorable moments. However, for lovers of the bizarre, no moment could match the arrival of Xavier Woods' the New Day dressed in iconic Dragon Ball Z armor.
Not only did the New Day, the WWE tag team champions, arrive sporting Saiyan armor worn by many of the main characters in the Dragon Ball Z anime and manga, but they did so by bursting out from a giant box of a fictional cereal called Booty-O's. Bagels (representing the cereal) poured out from the box, along with the wrestlers in what was truly one of the event's most outlandish moments.
The New Day's Dragon Ball Z cosplay was pretty spot on as well, as long as you ignored the unicorn horns worn by two of the group's members. Obviously, Woods and his crew are familiar with the source material. Woods even had a monkey tail, in true Saiyan fashion.
Announcer Michael Cole even got in on the fun, saying Woods was obviously cosplaying as Vegeta from the popular series, judging from his spiked hair. You can watch a clip of the New Day's entrance below, as more than 100,000 people cheered them on inside AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas.
Alas, the New Day's truly epic (and strange) entrance did not translate to success in the ring, where they were thoroughly trounced by a group known as the League of Nations. Not even the powerful ingredients of Booty-O's could save the New Day, unicorn horns and all.
The ingredients on the side of the Booty-Os box are INCREDIBLE. #WrestleMania pic.twitter.com/HUyXGAVmxm
— Tom Nix (@TheTomNix) April 4, 2016
This, of course, isn't the first time Dragon Ball Z and WWE have collided. At last year's WrestleMania, UFC star Ronda Rousey teamed up with the Rock to clean up shop, all while wearing an "It's over 9,000" Dragon Ball Z T-shirt. Considering Dragon Ball Z and pro-wrestling both share a love of theatrics and chest-beating testosterone, it's really not all that surprising the two go together so well.