'Dark Souls III' Butt Glitch Is Etched Forever In Internet Lore

For most, Dark Souls III is ... well, dark. The series has prided itself on telling a story of death and futility — you won't find true love or happy endings when playing a Souls game.

Of course, most fans wouldn't change a thing: the games handle their take on Gothic horror so well that anything else would feel out of place.

Then again, it's not as if the series is nothing but doom and gloom. You'll have to do some searching, but there are small pockets of levity strewn throughout the games — whether it's an old corpse flopping around like a fish out of water or watching an Invader accidentally roll off a cliff, these moments of comedy help keep the games from being overwhelmingly melancholic. With Dark Souls III set for release next week, fans have been looking for something similar in early copies of the game — and they may have just found it.

Apparently, bowing or kneeling in a specific set of robes will accidentally push the player's derriere through their clothing. Yes, you read that right: Dark Souls III has a butt glitch.

So far, the butt glitch appears to be tied to a single piece of clothing — but now that players know about it, you can rest assured that Souls fans will be trying on every set of armor in the game just to see if their backside will show through.

The butt glitch is far from the first of its kind to hit the series: way back in Demon's Souls, the bodies of enemies would flop around like they were on the moon thanks to a Havok Physics issue. Surprisingly, From Software never patched it out, as it provided a quick, comedic break from its ridiculously difficult game. The glitch became so synonymous with the series that, when the corpse physics were re-written for Dark Souls II, many fans requested that it be added back in.

That being said, floppy corpses are one thing — nudity is another. The butt glitch looks harmless (and funny) enough as it is, but there's always the possibility that From Software could run into trouble if it's not removed. With the official Western release coming up, something like this could easily be patched out — but at this point, there's no telling what will happen.

As it stands, anyone with a copy of the game can go and show everyone what their momma gave them — as for everyone else, they'll have to wait until Dark Souls III launches on April 12.

For more on Dark Souls III, make sure to check out our ever-growing coverage hub.

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