King Arthur to be played by Charlie Hunnam

From riding in a motorcycle gang to piloting a giant robot, soon actor Charlie Hunnam will be leading the mythical knights of the round table.

Hunnam is the choice of director Guy Ritchie to play the titular king in his upcoming film "Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur."

Deadline reports that Hunnam is currently in negotiations for the role, which could potentially keep the actor busy for some time. "King Arthur" will be the first of a projected six films from Warner Bros. on the subject of Arthur and his knights.

Hunnam first gained some notice as Lloyd on a television series about college called "Undeclared" in 2001. He is more well known as Jackson Teller, the protagonist of "Sons of Anarchy," a television drama about the crime-filled and complicated lives of a motorcycle gang. "Sons" began in 2008, with its seventh and final season starting in September. Hunnam also starred in Guillermo del Toro's "Pacific Rim," as pilot Raleigh Becket who fought monsters with a giant robot.

There had been headlines last year when Hunnam walked away from playing Christian Grey in the film adaptation of erotic novel "Fifty Shades of Grey." It looks like stepping away from that film trilogy may allow him to sit on the throne at Camelot for six films.

The film has been in development for years, switching scripts, actors and directors several times. Ritchie was first reportedly attached in 2010, with a different script from John Hodge, who wrote "Trainspotting." The current script is by Joby Harold, who produced "Edge of Tomorrow" and is also producing this "King Arthur" film.

Guy Ritchie's upcoming film "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." -- an adaptation of the television show about a pair of spies in the 1960s starring Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer -- will be released on August 14, 2015.

"Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur" is scheduled to hit theaters on July 22, 2016.

Photo: Gage Skidmore

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