Daisy Ridley Fires Back At Body Shamers Who Say She's 'Too Thin'

Daisy Ridley has been very open about the training regiment she went through to be physically ready for all the action sequences she would have to go through for her breakout role as the star of “Star Wars: A Force Awakens.”

A mainstay on her Instagram accounts are her #FitnessFridays videos, which show a peek of the exercises she does with her trainer to keep in shape for her role as a scavenger on the desert planet of Jakku.

But one troll decided to stir some fire by posting a photo of Ridley with a speech bubble saying how she is a bad role model – setting unrealistic expectations for real women because she is “too thin.”

The feisty Irish blood in Ridley must have been as strong as the Force when she fired back by responding that she IS a real woman and real women come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, and bravery. Bravo, Ridley!

Ridley has since deleted her original response because it contained the original troll's name. She even reminded her fans to be kind to the original poster, because it was not her intention to have multitudes of her followers to start sending hate messages to that person.

The body-shamer has, as well, deleted their Instagram account in response to the backlash against the critique of the very fit and very real Ridley's body.

In a another response to the issue of body-shaming, Ridely posted a longer message about women in general and how people should consider being nice to each other rather than bashing others online.

"I'm a normal girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, just like Rey. I will not apologize for how I look, what I say and how I live my life because what's happening inside is much more important anyway and I am striving to be the best version of myself, even if I stumble along the way," she wrote.

She also added that even though kindness will not solve the world's problems, at least it would be a good place to start.

Truly a hero for a generation of real women to look up to.

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