Game rentals coming to Xbox Live?

What if you were curious about a new game for Xbox One and you wanted to try it out before you bought it? Or you just want to rent it, rather than buying it outright? Microsoft seems to be preparing to allow such options.

An image on Reddit shows the Xbox One on the "Games with Gold" screen of the Store, with the download title Max: The Curse of Brotherhood labeled with "Free Play Day with Gold."

The user who posted this image, JBurton90, stated he was in Microsoft's preview program where you get Beta access to upcoming updates to the Xbox One operating system when he saw the mysterious offer.

Normally, the "Games with Gold" section provides you with games you may download for free if you are a Gold member of Xbox Live. The concept of a "Free Play Day" is a completely new one.

Fans have been speculating that this means Microsoft will offer a kind of rental scheme, where you pay a small amount to get 24-hour access to a game. Other fans believe this may be a new kind of demo, complete access to a game for 24 hours. Still others are guessing that this is tied to a date, such as for the day of 8/20 Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is free for download or is free to play for only that calendar day.

The original poster of the image stated a few hours later that the offer was no longer available on his dashboard.

Polygon pointed to a twitter exchange about this image, where @CallmePrestoFriend tweeted:

A few hours later, Xbox support replied to @ShankinsHD who asked about "Free Play Day":

We'll have more information when it becomes available.

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