Leaked 'Star Wars: Episode VII' photos show a Millennium Falcon so perfect, you may cry

J.J. Abrams and Lucasfilm have yet to officially confirm its existence, but we know it's real. There's a full scale set of the Millennium Falcon at London's Pinewood Studios, where "Star Wars: Episode VII" is being filmed.

Kevin Smith described it after getting a personal tour of the "Episode VII" sets, where he reportedly cried tears of joy. The door of the thing appears to have been the culprit behind Harrison Ford's leg injury. Abrams tweeted a cheeky note recommending that fans ignore "supposed leaks" from the set; the note sat atop an exact replica of the chess-like game table where R2-D2 was famously advised to "let the Wookie win."

The notion of a complete Millennium Falcon that's not broken apart across various sets is almost too glorious for Star Wars fans to handle. Now you can get your first look at the Falcon thanks to a trio of photos leaked from the set. Originally posted online by Mintinbox.net (click here for a translated page), the photos show the familiar round corridors of the ship's interior, along with a couple of looks at the cockpit. A separate fourth image shows an interior location from a different set.

What fans will notice right away is just how faithfully the Falcon has been recreated. Every detail is there with tremendous attention to detail, and it all looks appropriately old and grimy and lived-in. It wouldn't be hard to believe that in the 30 years of story time since "Return of the Jedi," Han and Chewie will have made many modifications and repairs to their beloved ship. So don't be surprised if a few details turn out to be slightly different.

The fourth shot looks like the interior of a Death Star or maybe a Star Destroyer. It's also vaguely similar to the holding cells area on the original Death Star, where Princess Leia was held.

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