Possible ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ plot details hit the web

“Star Wars: Episode VII” won’t be in theaters until the end of next year, so for the next 17 months fans will be subject to a non-stop barrage of rumors, gossip and teasers that will test the limits of their patience and sanity.

Just take this new plot report from BadAssDigest.com, for example. There is plenty of validity here to make this rumor believable, but since nothing has been confirmed yet, fans will just have to wait and see.

The head writer on the site, Devin Faraci, learned some major details about the film’s opening, which will apparently tie this movie directly into the closing moments of both “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” Here is what Faraci had to report:

"Imagine the standard Star Wars crawl, and when it ends the camera pans up to the stars. But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see... a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber.That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I'm keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people.

Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millenium Falcon anymore but are piloting... well, that could be a spoiler. I'll leave it. Anyway, Han and Chewie recognize the light saber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.

So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems..."

There have already been numerous rumors about the missing Luke Skywalker plot, so unless the same source is sending wrong information to multiple websites, it seems like the Jedi’s absence will play a huge role in the film. In another report, Faraci also elaborated on John Boyega’s character. The actor will apparently be playing a storm trooper who abandons his post and teams up with Daisy Ridley’s character on his way to becoming a hero.

Again, none of this is confirmed, but the report should be enough to keep fans speculating until we finally get the first trailer for the film, which still might not be for another six months or so. It’ll be a long wait until the movie’s premiere on December 18, 2015, but at least fans can occupy their time with rampant speculation until then.

If that tease from Faraci wasn't enough, director JJ Abrams just posted a new video for the Star Wars: A Force for Change charity, which is designed to help UNICEF's Innovation Labs. In the video, Abrams explains more about the charity, in front of a very familiar spaceship. Take a look below:

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