'Mortal Kombat X' Triborg Comes With A Secret Fourth Cyborg Ninja: Gamers, Meet Cyber Sub-Zero

Gamers will soon be getting four new characters to battle with in Mortal Kombat X, and a trailer was released earlier in the month that featured the new fighters.

The four new fighters that will be included in the upcoming Kombat Pack 2 DLC are the Xenomoprh from the Alien franchise, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, drunken master Bo'Rai Cho and cyborg Triborg.

Triborg has been described as three cyborgs in one, namely previous Mortal Kombat characters Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke. Not much is so far known on how and why Triborg features the combined strengths of the three cyborgs, and a recent revelation adds even more to the questions surrounding the new fighter.

During the recently concluded finals of the ESL Mortal Kombat X Pro League Season 2, Tyler Lansdown and Derek Kirtzic of NetherRealms teased the crowd with an extended look at Triborg, whose variations allow him to use moves by Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke. The fighter is featured at about the 7:23 mark of the video.

However, it was revealed that the trio of cyborgs are not the only options for gamers who choose to fight with Triborg, as the fighter was also shown to have a fourth cyborg ninja within him in the form of Cyber Sub-Zero.

In the Cyber Sub-Zero variation, Triborg will be able to launch ice balls and ice bombs, slide and create an ice drone similar to the human version of the popular ice-wielding ninja.

The Cyber-Sub Zero variation of Triborg is not a re-skin, as the unique moveset of the characters can be seen in the video when the pause menu is accessed. As such, Triborg would become the first character in Mortal Kombat X to come with four variations, not including characters that present gamers the option to go variationless.

Over on the Mortal Kombat Kommunity of Reddit, players reacted positively to the news that Triborg will also be featuring Cyber Sub-Zero, though most are speculating that Cyber Sub-Zero will simply be the variationless version of Triborg.

The Kombat Pack 2 DLC will be coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For gamers that have not been able to acquire Mortal Kombat X yet, NetherRealms will also be releasing Mortal Kombat XL, which will include the core game along with all its DLC and extra content that has so far been released, including Kombat Pack 2.

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