Fox New Show 'Lucifer' Is Not A Must Watch At The Moment

There's a new series in town and it is called "Lucifer" from DC comics. The show airs on Fox, and it is all about the devil himself, who finds hell boring and has abandoned it to enjoy his life on Earth.

From what we have said above, it should be clear that this series has elements of comedy. "Lucifer" is also just another cop series, but with supernatural elements. Basically, Lucifer goes out of his way to help a female detective solve crimes. He's doing this because this woman is capable of resisting his charms, and as such, the devil is intrigued.

Right away one should note that the devil is not helping people because he wants to, but only because he's bored. What's interesting, though, is how he seemed to care about a lady he met in the early parts of the episode. She ended up dying, and he made every effort to find the killer.

Apart from the devil, "Lucifer" highlights other entities as well. Angels from heaven will appear in this series because they are not pleased with Lucifer's decision to leave hell. You see, when he opened the door of hell that means demons could could now escape.

Some folks may be playing with the idea that Lucifer and angels from heaven will go head to head, but that might not happen. You see, this is not the hit TV series, "Supernatural."

Any attacks on Lucifer by angels or the other way around would cause a war between heaven and hell, and that is not what the show is about.

Now, in terms of whether or not "Lucifer" is an excellent series, well, the first episode is a disappointment. It didn't resonate with us because the comedy, for the most part, was unfunny. Furthermore, having a female who can resist the charms of Lucifer is something that has been done before in similar and different ways.

Another problem we had is the fact that this is a cop show, and as such, viewers will likely get the case of this type of storyline mixed with more serious stuff. The original story from the comic books is missing here, and we're not sure if Fox is willing to go down this route in the future.

Overall, we must say Tom Ellis plays the character really well, which makes him the main reason to watch if you're interested in a supernatural cop show.

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