'Destiny' Sunless Cell Strike Broken, Bungie Working On A Fix

After Destiny players started noticing problems with the Nightfall "Sunless Cell" strike, Bungie acknowledged the problem and stated that the issue is currently under investigation.

Players began complaining on Reddit about an in-game issue that prevents them from continuing through the mission: there's a door to the final boss that remains shut, no matter what the player attempts to do. Players have gone so far as quitting and restarting the mission, kicking out everyone but the host player of the group and even going back in orbit, but with no luck. So far, most Destiny players report that they cannot get past the door to finish the strike.

Bungie tweeted that it is aware of the problem and is looking into it, so that a fix will, hopefully, come soon.

Players also reported that enemies don't show up during the first half of the strike, which makes the mission that much easier, except that players can't complete it.

In the "Sunless Cell" strike, players must assault a prison deep within the heart of the Dreadnaught introduced in the game's latest expansion, "The Taken King," to put an end to the Hive champion that lives there.

The strike only went live today, but for those players considering taking on the mission, it's probably best to wait until Bungie reports back with a resolution. Otherwise, players will only feel frustration when they face an inability to complete the strike.

Meanwhile, Destiny players can take solace by enjoying the new year loot that Bungie handed out to players as gifts in honor of 2016.

"When we all return from a long winter's nap, we'll still be in the giving mood," wrote Bungie on its blog. "Just because you're all awesome, we'll be stuffing your stockings with 15 Strange Coins and 15 Motes of Light. They should arrive on January 7th, after we've all had a chance to settle in after our travels. We'll sound an update in the usual places when they arrive."

Players who logged into Destiny from Jan. 7 through Jan. 10 also receive a special emblem, which should arrive today.

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