Spider-Man Confirmed In 'Civil War': What Will His Role Be?

A quick visit to the "Captain America: Civil War" set revealed that Tom Holland was seen lurking around the set in full costume, leading fans to believe that your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man will have an active role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) beginning with "Civil War" instead of his own stand-alone film which will be released in 2017. A quick warning, however: take the news with a grain of salt because this is Marvel we're talking about.

What of the visit? It saw Holland in costume as the web-slinger first stands by as the Avengers fought in a big battle scene, later on joining the fray himself. But even with this glaring piece of evidence, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and the cast members neither confirm nor deny Spidey's involvement in "Civil War," and we can only assume that, even if Holland's character does end up being part of the film, his role will remain a mystery until the movie's release in May 2016.

Tony Stark does have a clue for us regarding what has been going on behind the scenes. "[Don] Cheadle and I are just going, 'Wow, dude, look at this'... But we're also looking around like, 'Who thought that Falcon and Black Panther and Ant-Man and now Spider-Man...?" Robert Downey Jr. said.

From the sound of Downey's statement things are looking good for Spidey, and why shouldn't it? Since Peter Parker really is a part of the "Civil War" plot in the comic books. Specifically, Spider-Man is supposed to be working for and with Tony Stark and he was also supposed to unmask himself at a press conference in Washington D.C. in support of the Superhuman Registration Act.

Of course, Chris Evans, being Captain America steps in to make sure that the mystery remains a mystery. "You never know with Marvel... sometimes they shoot things and then don't use them," Evans said.

The Captain does have a point since Marvel seems to love giving fans something to hype about in the post-credits reel so now we're back to square one.

Thanks, Capt., you really helped us out.

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