New 'Arrow' Trailer Sees Vandal Savage Issue Threats Galore

A new trailer for the second half of the two-part The Flash/Arrow crossover event on the CW has been released. Contrary to previous crossover episodes between the two shows, this particular event is intended to lead into the pair's spin-off show, DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Also, any excuse to have Grant Gustin's Barry Allen and Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen on the same screen is a good one.

The episode, which is Arrow in name and content, focuses almost exclusively on Team Arrow with a side of Team Flash as the two groups go up against the immortal villain Vandal Savage and his clearly diabolical plans for Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall - the Hawkgirl and Hawkman of this version of the DC universe.

Here's the episode's synopsis according to the CW:

Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Barry Allen (guest star Grant Gustin) take Kendra Saunders (guest star Ciara Renée) and Carter Hall (guest star Falk Henstchel) to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm (John Barrowman) arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn't go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), Thea (Willa Holland), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage.

How exactly all this leads into DC's Legends of Tomorrow isn't clear, but, given that the cast's a combination from both previous CW shows, a crossover event is the natural way to introduce a new show that's all about time-travel shenanigans, right? Whatever the case may be, all of it seems like the exact kind of goofy cape stuff the CW excels at these days.

The Arrow-branded half of the event, "Legends of Yesterday", is scheduled to air tonight, December 2nd, at 8PM ET on the CW.

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