The new Human Torch talks Marvel's new 'Fantastic Four' film

Little has been revealed about Fox's new "Fantastic Four" film beyond its cast and crew. But in a new interview with MTV, Michael B. Jordan touched upon the tone of the film and the story angles being used in the making of it.

"It's not your typical superhero film, you know, we aren't looking at this as like, being superheroes. We're more or less a bunch of kids that had an accident and we have disabilities now that we have to cope with, and try to find a life afterwards -- try to be as normal as we can," the actor playing the fire-powered Human Torch stated.

"You've got to ground it as much as you can to make [audience members] feel relatable to these characters, no matter what age they are or what time of their life," Jordan said.

An important part of the comic book and successful adaptation of the comics are the relationship and interactions between the four members of the Fantastic Four. Jordan remarked upon that aspect of the four characters as well.

"One of the good things about the Fantastic Four is that everybody is different. And it's like, sometimes family doesn't always consist of your relatives or by blood. Sometimes your best friends can feel more like family than your cousins," he stated.

He continued, "I think everybody kind of has that same feeling. When you go through an accident together, when you go through a traumatic event, sometimes that brings you closer together. Yeah, everybody takes their time out to kind of deal with their own stuff, but at the end of the day, you shared a common experience together that you're able to relate to. "

Jordan also revealed that though they have begun filming, the script of the new "Fantastic Four" film was still changing and evolving and that writer/director Josh Trank was embracing such fluidity. "Josh's vision is very clear and he knows exactly what he wants, and he gives us room to adapt and to play. That's what I kind of think sets us apart, is that this is going to be grounded and unconventional," said Jordan.

The other members of the Fantastic Four are being played by Miles Teller, Kate Mara and Jamie Bell.

"The Fantastic Four" is a comic book from 1961 focusing on four people who are physically changed and given superpowers due to "cosmic rays." A family dynamic emerges between the four characters, since two are in a relationship, two are siblings and friendships exist between all of them.

Two previous "Fantastic Four" films had been made by Tim Story, but the new film is a reboot with a younger cast.

Josh Trank and Michael B. Jordan previously worked together in Trank's 2012 film "Chronicle."

"Fantastic Four" is scheduled to be released to movie theaters in June 19, 2015.

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