New 'Bloodborne' Patch Scheduled For Release Ahead Of 'The Old Hunters'

The Souls series has always done well when it comes to DLC. While the expansions for Dark Souls and its sequel were vastly different, both featured new storylines, enemies, weapons and bosses for players to find — basically, they were everything a Souls fan could hope for.

Now, with the release of Bloodborne: The Old Hunters just a few weeks away, fans are getting ready to dive into yet another (hopefully) solid piece of Souls DLC.

However, it looks like From Software wants to start the party early: a new content patch has been announced ahead of The Old Hunters' release, and it's quite a bit bigger than one might expect from a free automatic update.

First and foremost, The Old Hunters' pre-launch update will introduce an entire new faction to Bloodborne's world. The League, headed by a strange figure wearing a bucket (no, seriously), is all about friendly cooperation: the faction is seemingly a nod to the classic co-op covenants of previous Souls games, and the post doesn't mention anything about the League's player vs. player tendencies.

To further enhance the co-op game, the update and the League will also introduce a number of friendly, summonable NPCs. Again, it seems to be a throwback to classic Souls co-op, though the details on summoning these new characters are still a bit scarce.

A new weapon will also be available to those who throw their lot in with this new faction. The League Cane is seemingly a simple re-skin of the original game's Threaded Cane, but this is From Software we're talking about — chances are, there's something special about this new blade.

Unfortunately, there's no word on when the content patch will hit just yet. At the very least, From Software confirmed that it will be available for free and for everyone — this isn't exclusive to those who purchase The Old Hunters.

Speaking of which, Bloodborne's first major expansion, The Old Hunters, is set to launch on Nov. 24. For more info on it and the upcoming content patch, check out the official PlayStation Blog.

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