Windows 10 Adoption Rate Powered By Gaming: One In Four Steam Gamers Have Upgraded

Windows 10 has notched a remarkable milestone: 25 percent of Steam users have adopted the new operating system.

Folks from Valve carry out a Steam hardware and software survey monthly. Based on the result of the survey Valve carried out last month, it was discovered that 26.63 percent of Steam users already jumped into the 64-bit Windows 10 in October. Meanwhile, 1.01 percent of Steam users were using Windows 10 (32-bit version).

The survey also shows that Windows 7 seems to be a crowd favorite, garnering 44.42 percent. Windows 8/8.1, however, logged 20.52 percent share of installations.

It is worth pointing out that Mac OS X garnered 3.54 percent share (which actually increased by 0.31 percent) while Linux got 0.98 percent (up from 0.04 percent).

This means the combined percentage shares of Mac OS X and Linux is still less than what Windows 10 has just recorded.

If the trend goes on in the upcoming months, it is safe to say Windows 10 will become the dominant OS by the end of the year.

It is anticipated that more PC gamers will continue to adopt Windows 10 as more games will provide support for DirectX 12.This graphics technology which only runs on Windows 10, promises to make PC games run much snappier.

Microsoft will likewise reportedly release a slew of upgrades next year. The company is recommending users to install Windows 10 so the upgrades will automatically download.

Earlier, we delved on Microsoft's campaign to convince users who are still using earlier versions of the OS in hopes to attract them to upgrade to Windows 10.

Microsoft is planning to incorporate images of cute things to entice users into clicking the upgrade button.

"We are evolving our notifications to be more approachable and hopefully clear, and sometimes fun — and will continue to test new things in different cultures around the world," said Microsoft.

Not so long ago, Microsoft announced a big change, particularly in the procedure for those who have not yet upgraded into Windows 10. It said existing product keys for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 can now be used to activate the latest OS for PC users that have not yet considered themselves as one of the more than 110 million who have already made the leap to this latest OS.

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