Reports of Steven Spielberg's dinosaur hunt are greatly exaggerated

Would you believe it if someone posted a picture of Steven Spielberg posing with the sick triceratops from "Jurassic Park" and called him a "recreational dinosaur hunter"? Of course you wouldn't. No one could be that gullible, that out of touch with reality, right?


Remember the 19-year-old from Texas who who soared to infamy after posting photos of herself with animals she'd killed? Kendall Jones, a self-proclaimed "trophy hunter," posted pictures to Facebook of her kills that included lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards and buffalo. Very quickly (and predictably), she became hated and maligned all over the Internet, even though she continues to believe that the work of recreational trophy hunters supports wild game conservation.

A man on Facebook named Jay Branscomb decided to poke fun at the furor over Jones' pictures. He posted the aforementioned Steven Spielberg picture along with the following caption:

"Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man."

"Jurassic Park" became a global phenomenon upon its release in 1993, sparking a franchise that's still going, so it's hard to believe anyone could be unfamiliar with it. And yet...

One person became enraged enough about the picture to post a 138-word tirade, raking Spielberg over the coals. It's not clear whether this response was meant as a joke, but the whole rant is too priceless not to share, so here's the whole thing.

He's a disgusting inhumane pr*ck Id love to see these hunters stopped...I think zoos are the best way to keep these innocent animals safe...***holes like this piece of sh*t are going into these beautiful animals HOME and killing them...its no different than someone coming into your home and murdering you...that's what's so selfish about ppl that hunt they're uneducated and their way of thinking is wellllll these animals are overpopulating and are going to die anyway..!WELL HUMAN BEINGS are overpopulating and GUESS WHAT if we were to kill an innocent human being and used that as an excuse we'd be in prison...I think it's time to say the same thing about animal rights Steven Spielberg I'm disappointed in you...I'm not watching any of your movies ever again ANIMAL KILLER

Jay Branscomb, it should be noted, is a fairly well-known meme maker, and this was only the latest example of his humorous work.

At over 6,000 comments and counting, the above response was hardly the last, though it was probably one of the most extreme. Some cried out against Spielberg's brutality toward this "endangered species." Others (a surprising number, in fact) claimed it was a "photoshopped image." Still others recognized the true source of the image but scolded Branscomb for not realizing the photo's origins. Most of the "serious" comments were playing along with Branscomb's obvious joke.

Since the original post, Branscomb has posted another image of a much younger Steven Spielberg, this time sitting astride the mechanical shark from "Jaws." He jokingly referred to Spielberg as a "vicious shark-killer shown posing with his illegal prey." Once again, there were those who believed the joke.

One can only hope that these unfortunate souls never get elected to public office, work in construction or procreate.

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