CultureChinese Gaming Company Tencent Terminates Booster That Allows Users to Play Overseas Games The world's largest online gaming company, Tencent, announced it would terminate its gaming booster that allows users to play foreign Sophie Webster
TechApple's Stance on Privacy Made Work More Difficult for Engineers and Limits the Operation on the Platformby Sophie Webster
HealthPolice Officer Shares How Apple Watch's Fall Detection Feature Saved a Senior Citizen's Lifeby Sophie Webster
Tech[RUMOR] Millions of iPhone Units Could Be Lost If Shanghai Lockdown Continues; What's the Status of China?by Griffin Davis
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TechiPhone 14 Satellite Feature Likely To Happen? Here's How It Can Lead To Zero Dead Zonesby Griffin Davis
TechNew Secret iPhone Feature Identifies Printed Texts in Images—Making Photo Search Easierby Griffin Davis
HealthNew Electric Chopsticks Make Food 1.5x Tastier—This is Useful to Achieve Its 20% Less Salt Consumption in Japanby Griffin Davis
TechLazarus Group and APT38 Hackers Confirmed to be Behind $620 Million Ethereum Crypto Heistby Urian B.
TechGoogle's Fitbit Watches Gets Step Closer to Completion After FDA Approves AFib Monitoringby Urian B.