Samsung Takes Jab at Apple’s Controversial iPad Campaign with ‘UnCrush’ Ad

Samsung is back at it again with an Apple mockery.

Samsung is taking the joke to Apple with its latest 'UnCrush' ad. The South Korean company took a jab against Cupertino, especially with its highly controversial iPad campaign after Let Loose.

In this new video, Samsung shows a woman playing the guitar and getting assistance from her Galaxy Tab S9 device, sitting over the industrial crusher that made a mess with paint.

It is a direct mockery of Apple's 'Crush' ad, which saw various artistic and creative tools getting crushed and then being released as the new iPad that can do it all.

Samsung's 'UnCrush' Ad Takes a Jab at Apple's Controversy

(Photo: Samsung Mobile US)

Instead of crushing yet another set of artistic and creative tools, Samsung created the 'UnCrush' ad, which embraces an instrument (the ad features a guitar) while also using their Galaxy Tab S9.

In their caption, Samsung Mobile US said that "we would never crush creativity" and followed up with the hashtag "#UnCrush," which is a direct jab against Apple's previous campaign.

Here, the person is seen walking through a field of debris and picking up an unscathed guitar off the floor, she then uses the Galaxy Tab S9 to display the chords to the music, placed on an easel.

Samsung went further to say that "Creativity cannot be crushed" in the video itself. The woman is seen sitting on a platform with paint splatter, symbolizing Apple's crusher.

UnCrush Promotes Art, and Apple Compressed It Into the iPad

In the video, Samsung wants to promote art and creativity alongside the Galaxy Tab S9, its latest Android tablet in the market. It directly contrasts Apple's controversial 'Crush' ad, which put together various creative tools, instruments, gaming consoles, and more under a crusher and compressed it all (albeit destroyed) where an iPad came out in the end.

Samsung's Campaigns Against Apple

Through the years, there has been friendly competition between Samsung and Apple, but it can sometimes go a little personal because of the jokes and jabs released by the South Korean company.

In 2018, a previous ad brought shade against the iPhone's throttling issue, with the user getting frustrated and upgrading to the Galaxy smartphone.

At one point, Samsung released an ad that went as far as to call people who are Apple iPhone fans "unimaginative," also referring to them as a "cult" who are very much dedicated to Cupertino's smartphone.

This ad also came after Steve Jobs' daughter, Eve, called out Apple's iPhone 14 for not having that much difference from the iPhone 13.

Samsung also shaded Apple's decision to stay with its use of SMS and MMS instead of the revolutionary RCS technology for its iMessage, also known as the green-bubble, blue-bubble fiasco.

Now, Apple slipped up with the iPad 'Crush' ad, and Samsung swiftly responded with the 'UnCrush' video, promoting creativity with assistance from its tech.

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