OpenAI's recent AI model announcement had impressed many, however, tech billionaire Elon Musk said it made him "cringe."

Ashley St. Clair, a writer and director, wrote on X that OpenAI's real-time perception of reality for humans might replace the "post-truth era with something much worse."


In March, Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk sued OpenAI CEO Sam Altman for breaching their AI contracts. OpenAI responded to the complaint by stating that Elon Musk wanted a Tesla merger or complete control of OpenAI to advance his goals, according to NDTV.

OpenAI launched the latest ChatGPT version, GPT-4o, which ChatGPT users and non-subscribers can access.

According to the BBC, GPT-4o responds more conversationally and can read and discuss images, interpret languages, and distinguish emotions from images. It also has a memory that lets it recall past prompts.

In a live demo utilizing GPT-4o's vocal version, the AI suggested ways to solve a simple equation on paper. It identified emotions in a happy man's selfie, translated it into Italian and English, and evaluated computer code.

(Photo : Kevin Winter/Getty Images) 
Elon Musk attends the 10th Annual Breakthrough Prize Ceremony at Academy Museum of Motion Pictures on April 13, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

OpenAI GPT-4o Flaw

However, the demo had faults. At one point, the AI mistook the smiling guy for a wooden surface and solved an unshown equation. These issues show that chatbot reliability and safety remain difficult.

Despite these limitations, OpenAI's demonstration showed GPT-4o as the next generation of AI digital assistants, like a more powerful Siri or Google Assistant, with the capacity to recall earlier interactions and smoothly handle text, voice, and photos.

However, GPT-4o's environmental effects were not discussed. It is important to note that, as AI gets more advanced, it uses more power than traditional computer jobs, increasing ecological issues.

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OpenAI's CTO, Mira Murati, called GPT-4o "magical" but promised to "remove that mysticism" with its launch.

GPT-4o's fast replies to text, audio, and visuals put OpenAI ahead in the AI chatbot competition. As GPT-4o rolls out to millions of ChatGPT users, its real-world performance will be widely examined to see if it matches its promising demo.

OpenAI and Apple Collaborating?

The presentation heavily featured Apple goods, suggesting cooperation. It was intentionally planned 24 hours before Google's annual conference, Google IO when Google is anticipated to unveil its latest AI innovations. 

TechTimes previously reported the release of OpenAI's GPT-4o has sparked talk of a partnership with Apple to integrate AI into iOS 18. Insiders anticipate that the latest version of ChatGPT will play a significant role in iOS 18 improvements at WWDC 2024 in June.

Since last year, iOS 18 has been touted as Apple's most "ambitious" version. Analysts and insiders believe Apple will build generative AI technology for its gadgets next.

For iOS 18, Apple was expected to create generative AI internally. The recent acquisition of Darwinism by a Cupertino business may dramatically impact the new user experience.

Apple and OpenAI are reportedly negotiating to add AI functionality to the iPhone, which might help Apple catch up to Google, Meta, and Microsoft.

Related Article: Chatbots Could Be Suffering from Confirmation Bias When Tackling Controversial Issues: John Hopkins Study 

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