The latest revelation from OpenAI is its new model known as GPT-4o, and it is now facing rumors about its application to iOS 18 to power what it needs to deliver artificial intelligence features.

It is also part of the wide rumors behind Apple and OpenAI's collaboration to co-develop new AI experiences for iOS 18, which will be later unveiled via the WWDC 2024. 

WWDC's dates are nearing, and it will reveal more about the touted "biggest" update for the iPhone, iOS 18, with generative AI as the defining factor. 

OpenAI's GPT-4o iOS 18 Integration Rumors

(Photo : Solen Feyissa from Unsplash)

The recent OpenAI spring keynote event brought the latest model, GPT-4o, for the world to discover, but shared new rumors behind its integration into the iOS 18 and delivered the much-awaited AI changes for the system.

Previous rumors suggested that ChatGPT and OpenAI's GPT would play a massive role in iOS 18's AI features, but that is not entirely true. 

With the new model, GPT-4o brings special features that will power ChatGPT to bring faster responses, especially in Voice Mode, a.k.a. an update Siri drastically needs. Moreover, it can also understand the images users share better with the new model. 

Other subscription-based features on ChatGPT would also be available for free via GPT-4o, making it a massive upgrade for iOS 18. 

Read Also: Apple, OpenAI Negotiations Resume for AI Tech in iOS 18, Recently Tested ChatGPT

Apple, OpenAI Collab Coming to WWDC?

This latest GPT-4o news has led insiders to believe that this will be key to Apple and OpenAI's collaboration, which is still in the works, one that would integrate AI technology into iOS 18.

More is expected to be revealed at WWDC 2024 this June, offering key insights into the massive changes that iOS 18 will receive, with GPT-4o being a significant candidate to power it. 

Apple and Its iOS 18 with Generative AI

Since last year, there have been massive talks about iOS 18 and what it will offer iPhone users in the future, claiming that this would be the most "ambitious" release of Apple yet.

It is known that Apple has yet to tap into generative AI and develop technology or features based on it, but some analysts and insiders claim that this is Cupertino's next step.

It was initially believed that Apple was going in-house for its generative AI integration into iOS 18, but there was also the recent acquisition of Cupertino by a company called DarwinAI, believed to be a key factor in the new experience.

Still, there were talks about negotiating a deal between Apple and OpenAI to help deliver the AI features for the iPhone, one that would finally allow it to catch up to rivals like Google, Meta, and Microsoft. 

There is still no word on whether Apple and OpenAI have finally inked the deal to deliver ChatGPT or its renowned model, GPT, to iOS, especially as the showcase is nearing.

However, many reports and rumors exist about OpenAI's work on iOS 18 to deliver generative AI. At its recent event, the AI company delivered the GPT-4o, which is now believed to contribute massively to the iPhone operating system. 

Related Article: iOS 18 Leak Reveals Audio Transcription, Summarization Features for iPhone Users, Sources Say

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