Alzheimer's Drug Helps Slow Down Development—Eisai, Biogen Proves in Clinical Trial

A new development for modern medicine proves it brings significant effects to halting the effects of Alzheimer's disease from developing among patients affected by it after its clinical trial. The Eisai Co. and Biogen Inc. formed a partnership to develop this new drug which proved to be effective in its trial phase and is making monumental grounds in this development.

Alzheimer's Drug Proven to Slow Down Disease


Eisai Co., a Japanese pharmaceutical company, announced via a news release that its latest clinical trial of the drug called "lecanemab" (development code: BAN2401) is successful in impeding the development of Alzheimer's disease.

The team said that it held a massive clinical trial involving 1,795 participants in its study using the lecanemab and looking at its effects among patients.

The companies, including Biogen Inc., conducted their Phase 3 clinical trials among the many participants which received the drug, and here, patients were monitored for six months. The trial's results claimed that its drug showed a 27 percent difference in Alzheimer's progression compared to those using a placebo on a common rating scale.

Eisai and Biogen's Alzheimer's Medicine

Eisai and the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company, Biogen Inc., said that there was a "statistical significant reduction" of Alzheimer's disease in patients compared to those that were given the placebo. Its partnership aims to further study and develop the drug for its future use and distribution among the global market for patients that need it.

Alzheimer's and Dementia

Alzheimer's Disease is a significant type of dementia among people and it may develop due to old age and through time, especially as the brain is not as sharp as it used to be during their prime. There are many developments in modern technology which aim to detect the disease when it is starting to develop, using artificial intelligence to avoid its progression for patients.

It is the most common type of dementia present among individuals that suffer from it, and it inhibits people from their memory and thinking skills, also taking away their ability to do basic and everyday tasks.

There are many pharmaceutical companies and researchers which still focus on answering the massive problem caused by Alzheimer's by developing drugs and treatments to fight against it. Some already came close to developing the medicine, but most are to fight the early symptoms and mild cases of Alzheimer's only.

Families and the individual themselves suffer when Alzheimer's disease progresses in a person, especially as it significantly impedes brain function from doing its job in both voluntary and involuntary functions. This new drug from Eisai Co. and Biogen Inc. is a massive progress for health tech in the modern day, especially as it potentially holds the key to countering Alzheimer's altogether.

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Written by Isaiah Richard