'Pokémon Sun' And 'Moon' Are Now The Fastest Selling Nintendo Games In History: Beat That, Switch

Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon have sold 4.5 million copies in the United States since the latest additions to the popular Pokémon franchise were released in mid-November 2016.

The milestone has allowed the games to claim the title as the fastest-selling games in the illustrious history of Nintendo, proving that the portable Nintendo 3DS will not be bumped into the shadows with the pending arrival of the Nintendo Switch.

Pokémon Sun And Moon Now The Fastest-Selling Nintendo Games

The achievement of Pokémon Sun and Moon in becoming the fastest-selling games in Nintendo's history was supported by the surge in popularity of the 3DS. The last quarter of 2016 was described to be the best-selling quarter for Nintendo 3DS software ever, with 7.3 million units of first-party Nintendo games said to have been sold in the United States. Titles such as Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 7 proved to be hits with players, in addition to Pokémon Sun and Moon.

While the fact shows the steady fanbase for the Super Mario franchise, it also shows that Pokémon fans are still as prolific as ever. In fact, Pokémon Sun and Moon were ranked second and third in the list of best-selling games reported by NPD Groups for December.

December 2016 was also credited as the seventh month in a row that saw Nintendo 3DS game sales grow compared with the same month of the previous year, with a 2 percent increase compared with December 2015.

The Success Behind Pokémon Sun And Moon

The loyal fanbase of the Pokémon franchise is just one of the factors behind the success of Pokémon Sun and Moon. The introduction of a new region, Alola, also helped in refreshing the series, as it added new kinds of Pokémon and mechanics to the tried and tested formula of the franchise.

One other important factor that boosted the visibility of the game and the interest of players in Pokémon Sun and Moon is the solid and consistent marketing that the titles received. The details of the Pokémon Sun and Moon were rolled out in a manner that gave players a clear picture of what they could expect from the game, as opposed to the months of rumors that clouded the Nintendo Switch before the official presentation on the hybrid console.

Nintendo 3DS Will Live On

The figures revealing the sales of Nintendo 3DS software in the past quarter, including the rapid sales pace of Pokémon Sun and Moon, seemingly confirm the statement previously made by Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aime.

"In our view, the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo Switch are going to live side-by-side," the executive said, amid concerns that due to the possibility of using the Nintendo Switch as a portable gaming device, it will take away market share from the Nintendo 3DS.

If anything, the sales figures show that the Nintendo 3DS is actually gaining popularity, despite the pending arrival of the Nintendo Switch. How the hybrid console, and its launch titles, will perform upon their release remains to be seen, but the pressure is on for the Nintendo Switch to live up to expectations.