'Pokémon GO' Region-Locked Creatures Can Hatch From Eggs

Capturing every pocket monster in Pokémon GO is no small task, especially considering that four of the elusive creatures only appear in specific regions of the world.

Tauros can only be found in North America, Mr. Mime can be found in Europe, Farfetch'd is exclusive to Asia and Kangaskhan is only available in Australia. That would mean catching 'em all would quickly turn into an expensive, globetrotting affair, something that most players might not be able to afford.

At least that's what most players have been lead to believe. However, it turns out that each of the region-exclusive Pokémon can also be acquired through hatching an egg. There is a catch, however. It appears that these relatively rare Pokémon only hatch from 5-kilometer eggs, which aren't too hard to acquire but aren't common either. Then, players must walk 5 kilometers to hatch the egg. Then, there's the fact that the actual chances of getting a region-locked Pokémon are fairly slim as well, considering there are more than two dozen other Pokémon that have a chance of hatching from a 5-km egg.

That's a lot of work just for a chance to snag a rare Pokémon, but it certainly beats having to fly to Australia in order to snag a Kangaskhan. One U.S. player who was able to catch them all offered tips for other players, and what do you know, he emphasized buying egg incubators above almost anything else. That way, players can work toward hatching as many eggs as possible with the hope of acquiring some of the game's more elusive creatures. You can read more tips from one of the world's top Pokémon masters here.

Even if you do manage to capture all 145 Pokémon currently in the game, there's still work to be done. So far, the three legendary bird Pokémon, Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos, are unavailable for capture, and nobody has found the elusive Ditto, despite there being a Pokedex entry for the creature. Most fans theorize that the legendary birds may be tied to some upcoming special event within the game. As for Ditto? Well, the shape-shifting Pokémon could be anywhere.

No doubt, developer Niantic will give players plenty of time to catch the last few original pocket monsters before adding more Pokémon to the game. Players can also expect new features like trading and PokeStop customization in future updates to the title. You can read more about what's in the works for Pokémon GO here.