'Pokémon GO' Tips: How To Track And Find Nearby Pokémon

If you've caught the Pokémon GO fever and are craving for more Pokémon, you might be interested in a few strategies on how to track and find those nearby Pokémon.

Pokémon GO is just starting out and it's already the biggest mobile game of all time, proving to be an instant hit and gradually expanding its rollout. We've already compiled various guides and lists of tips and tricks to help you out with the game, but one of the toughest things to figure out is how to determine whether you're going in the right direction to find those nearby Pokémon.

If you've already started playing the game, chances are that you noticed that little box in the bottom right corner that says "nearby Pokémon." Tapping on that box expands it and shows the various Pokémon that can be found in your vicinity. Their number will vary depending on where you are — you may see nine nearby Pokémon on that list when you're in one area, but only two or three if you get a few blocks away.

Pokémon GO offers absolutely no indication on how to use that nearby Pokémon box to actually find them, not just know they're around. It doesn't show you any arrows, clues or signs to point you in the right direction, so you end up walking for miles just hoping that the Pokémon you're looking for will show up.

While there's still no foolproof method to accurately track all of those nearby Pokémon, there are a few tricks you can use to your advantage so you don't walk around quite that aimlessly.

First off, that nearby Pokémon box will show the Pokémon in order, based on how close they are. This means that the first Pokémon listed there is the closest one, and the last one listed is the farthest away. This is a valuable tip, as it can make a great difference when all of them appear with three footprints underneath them.

Speaking of those footprints, they indicate proximity. Three footprints means they're nearby, but not too close, two footprints means you're getting closer, one footprint means you are very close, while no footprints means you should actually see the Pokémon somewhere right next to you so you can catch it.

As a side note, the avatars that appear filled in (colored) within that nearby Pokémon box are for the critter types you've already caught or at least encountered. The ones that are still a gray shadow are the ones you still need to catch or at least spot.

Taking these two tips into account — the order of the nearby Pokémon and the number of footprints beneath their avatars — should help pinpoint you in the right direction. For instance, if those three footprints beneath the nearby Pokémon you're hunting turn into two footprints, it means you're going in the right direction. Keep searching and as you get closer, you'll see it turn into just one footprint and you'll soon find the Pokémon.

Also, always keep an eye on the nearby box to see how the order changes as you roam the streets. The list will automatically update as you walk around so that it always shows the nearest Pokémon first. If a Pokémon slides to the top-left corner as you're walking about, it means you're in the right direction for that Pokémon. Similarly, as you go farther away from a Pokémon, it will slide toward the bottom right and eventually disappear altogether if it's no longer in the vicinity.

Of course, this still involves some trial and error and it doesn't guarantee you'll find all nearby Pokémon in the shortest possible time, but it does offer some guidance so you don't walk around randomly.

Lastly, let's clear one thing out. Some rumors suggested that the tiny green radar box pulsating the nearby Pokémon list shows you which direction to go, pulsating when your phone is aimed in that direction. This is false, that green light simply pulsates to let you know the list is updating.

That said, take these tricks and tips into account and good luck hunting Pokémon!